Why Aren’t Pirates Fans Doing This?

Why Aren’t Pirates Fans Doing This?

  1. Because we know it won’t do anything. He’s already openly admitted he is giving the team to his kids when he is done.

    Our only shot is when his kids take over and they sell the team. Other than that, all bringing that sign in would do is get you banned from the park.

  2. We did ! Bob nutting sent his agents to kidnap us I haven’t seen my friend in a month !!!

  3. This is the kind of thing Bob has hanging as a shade curtain on the top deck of the family yacht so he can cackle as he makes fun of us for keeping the family rich.

  4. So are we not buying tickets or are we bringing signs to the game?

    Or we could just come up with another dumb idea that won’t change things in the slightest.

  5. I once wore a “Nuck Futting” shirt to a Pirates game and was thrown out by security. That’s probably why no one has had a sing that big. Hillbilly Bib would jaut sned his stooges to remove them from the public funded stadium they built for him.

  6. Apathy, I guess?

    I’m not gonna pay 3 bucks to go to the ballpark and wear a paper bag on my head. I’m too drunk for that.

  7. The sad part is that if everyone stopped buying tickets to protest he’ll just try to move the team to Nashville or Charlotte, both bigger metros than Pgh

  8. Remember when the fans tried to protest at the games and Greg Brown threw a hissy fit? I sure do

  9. Nobody is going to buy this franchise from Bob. It isn’t worth shit and the television market is among the worst in baseball. This idea that some billionaire is going to buy the Bucs and start paying mid to high level salaries is fucking stupid.

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