Kaliyev sustained and upper body injury. Could require surgery and miss a few months.

Kaliyev sustained and upper body injury. Could require surgery and miss a few months.

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  2. I’m so tired of this guy’s career at this point. It’s not personal, but I honestly can’t think of a single thing he’s done to contribute to the team.

  3. I feel for him, because that sucks, but I’m honestly hoping that roster spot is earned by one of the young guys coming up.

  4. Intense camp leads to stuff like this. Hopefully they slow it down a bit and don’t hurt one of the bigger role guys.

  5. Nobody should be dunking on Kaliyev right now. He did what he was asked and was never given the slack he deserved.

  6. This feels like this is going to end his chances at being an NHL player. Almost certainly going to end his chances with the Kings. Hope he gets a shot somewhere else if he’s waived later in the season on gets a PTO. Shitty way for this to happen but if the younger guys go down or slump when he’s healthy maybe he’ll get one last shot on this team.

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