How do we know that the sht plays are coming from Press and not Doug?

Maybe those few flashes of greatness are Press plays and Doug is just gaslighting us.

  1. The plays themselves are bad plays regardless of situation. Regardless of who is calling plays they are coming from Doug’s playbook. Press could be drawing up his own plays and it wouldn’t matter because Doug isn’t stopping him. Press is the symptom.

  2. Because it’s a night and day difference from 2022 when we know 100% it was Doug calling. Yes, the game to game schemes probably had help from the other names that were in place but Doug was leading the play by play on offense.

    Not sure how true it was but remember reading a rumor that Doug handed over play calling to keep Press from leaving after that season. Seems like a logical move if you want to groom your golden child for a HC job but it’s backfired. To play coy just seems like he does not want to throw his little baby to the wolves/under the bus.

  3. i think people need to realize, press is dougs protege. hes been studying under him for years, doug has tied him to his hip because he thinks so highly of him. we really honest to god think doug and press call two completely different games? the plays press calls are the same ones that Doug would.

  4. I don’t fucking care anymore, whoever is making a tight end block Myles Garret on a long developing play to BTJ needs to get their head out of their ass

  5. Obviously this was a shit post, but we all here just assume any good half was because of Doug and a bad half was because of Press. How do we know this? If it was that easy, you’d think Baalke or Khan would make an executive decision on who calls plays.

  6. The way the fuckin play clock keeps lapsing sure makes it feel like there’s two people in Trev’s ear.

  7. The fact that there’s a growing conspiracy on whose doing it isn’t a good sign regardless of who may be calling plays… it could be an underfunded AI project headed by tony khan for all we noe

  8. Doug knows he’s on the hot seat. Whoever is calling plays is who Doug believes to be the better play caller. Whether it’s himself or Press doesn’t even matter at this point. It might even be more of a playbook and scheme problem than call problems. Just look at how many trips and guys are stepping on each other on offense every game dating back to last year.

    I haven’t seen that happen to any other team I’ve watched this season, and yet it’s happening multiple times a game for us? Often on traps and dropbacks. How is that not a coaching/scheme problem? How is Phil Rauscher still employed, and nobody seems to talk about it?

    Doug’s head coaching career is filled with guys no other teams want or hire. Doug being willing to sign his son to the team is the same kind of bullshit he pulls with undying loyalty to guys that can’t coach.

    The entire defensive staff got fired when we all agree that the only reason we had 8 wins was because of defense. We just gave them a pass because of Trevor’s injury.

    It’s plain to see that the offense was always the main problem and still is, and that’s all Doug and the guys he’s loyal to.

    We’re very likely to get blown out by Buffalo, and if we start the season 0-4, I really just can’t see this staff being allowed to stick around any longer. Honestly, even if they manage to turn it around, I’m really just off the bandwagon and would probably like to see them gone regardless, unless they manage to go 10-0 from here on out.

  9. An intriguing point I believe Doug’s playbook is more important than who is calling the plays. Press bears the ultimate responsibility if he doesn’t take action, even if he has excellent ideas. The system appears to be the source of the problems.

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