We are due for a role player playing above their means

Most championship / successful playoff run includes a role player that plays better than expected.

I think Oubre has already proven what he’s capable of so I won’t consider him in this one. It’s between Yabu and Caleb for me.

If Yabu can play even 80% as well as he did in the olympics, that would be huge for us. That’ll also solve the size problem we have at the PF position + rebounding is always a great addition.

If Caleb can hit the open shots he’ll get due to JoJo getting doubled, that’ll also be huge and help complete our offense.

Which of our role players do you think have the highest chance of playing above their means?

  1. Well role players are role players because they’re relatively inconsistent. Otherwise they’d be stars or part of the “core”. But I feel like we have so many rounds in the chamber with this squad that *somebody* will be overachieving on a night to night basis. It reminds of the squad with JJ, Covington, Belinelli, etc. Nobody was necessarily consistent but somebody was hitting 5 threes that night.

  2. I think yabuselle will be our first PF backup. He had a great olympics and he lost money to play here. Martin got a fat contract that he doesnt deserve and can just Chill lol.

  3. Nico won the playin game for us this year and Oubre played well beyond expectation last year. Gotta be thankful for those things.

  4. Can someone that understands basketball better than me explain why we don’t *try* Drummond and Embiid?

    Can Drummond not play PF at all?

    Just seems like a perfect way to add rebounds to a team that desperately needs them.

  5. Hot take – Start Yabusele at the 4 to give the starting 5 some toughness and rebounding. Drummond got that for the second unit.

  6. I am hopeful that Yabu is good enough for them to start him. Only because I think the offensive aggression Oubre provides as a sixth-man is his perfect roll.

    Also, Dan Olinger wrote an article for The Ricky highlighting how good of a cutter/slasher Caleb Martin is. After reading that and watching some clips he provided, if Embiid can become a better passer, Caleb is going to feast cutting along the baseline.

  7. It would be so ironic if KJ, who was brought back specifically to overpay for a trade, ends up being a really good backup forward and they just keep him

  8. Ricky for sure I think will shock a lot of people. I do think Caleb will be extremely valuable come playoff time, and maybe even Reggie pulls out some magic here and there. My safe bets would be Caleb and Ricky though.

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