[Edmonton] The Oilers took back-to-school photos during their media day

[Edmonton] The Oilers took back-to-school photos during their media day

  1. Gotta love the effort the guys put in with these.


    Granola bar


    Half of them couldnt even be damned to smile

  2. Why does Conor always look like someone is pointing a gun at him when someone makes him take a picture. 

  3. I appreciate not including Jeff skinner and acknowledging he’s now 32 years old.

    Because we don’t need that reminder

  4. McDavid totally looks like a guy who can’t pass a skittle up. I don’t really know why, I just get that vibe from him.

  5. It’s crazy how some of these guys looked up to Sid and I still think of him as a kid. Man, I’m friggin old.

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