4th Quarter, 4th Down. Game on the line. PASS INTERFERENCE! Oh wait. Chiefs on defense. No call. Gotta love it.

4th Quarter, 4th Down. Game on the line. PASS INTERFERENCE! Oh wait. Chiefs on defense. No call. Gotta love it.

4th Quarter, 4th Down. Game on the line. PASS INTERFERENCE! Oh wait. Chiefs on defense. No call. Gotta love it.
byu/brunner56 inbengals

  1. “Now you see how the defender commits obvious pass interference? That’s a championship-caliber play that only the teammate of Patrick Mahomes could make. Because here’s a guy that at the end of the day knows that he has Patrick Mahomes to bail him out because Patrick Mahomes is Patrick Mahomes.”

    -Cris Collinworth, I bet.

  2. This will continue to happen because there are no consequences for the officiating. Zero consistency and especially when it comes to this team it benefited.

  3. This was 3rd down but yeah, it was a terrible no call and it’s not a coincidence the Chiefs were the beneficiaries.

  4. There have been several of these today that were no calls for early contact. Drove me crazy every time. Just give us some consistency.

  5. The ref was right there and it wasn’t even bang bang. He straight tackled him before the ball got there.

  6. Here’s my problem. The chiefs are a really damn good football team. Nobody can really argue that.

    The obvious problem is that they never LOOK like a good football team because the officiating is constantly going their way.

    They don’t need the refs to win. Guarantee they’d go at least 12-5 even losing these 2 games. But they’ll never be able to beat the **”refs”** allegations until the referees stop sucking mahomes and company off.

    **TLDR: chiefs don’t need refs to win, they’re rlly good, but they need to stop getting so much help**

  7. I thought it was just football…. Something something happened to us we get dumped on and now no call?? It’s a different set of rules sorry

  8. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.. F KC, F Mahomes, F Andy Reid’s fat chicky nuggie eating Ass, F em all

  9. Atlanta had a few tries to win this game. They gave it away. Yes that is a blatant pass interference but the falcons tricked this off. Kick the field goal and it’s 22-20. Chiefs punt. All the falcons had to do was drove down the field which they had no problem doing and run the clock out and kick the field goal. Game over.

    Do the Chiefs get more calls than most? Yes. But Atlanta could have won this game. This falls on coaching.

  10. There were three calls against the chiefs in the Atlanta last drive to give Atlanta a first down. Guess that doesn’t fit your narrative.

  11. If you don’t think KC will get all the calls you are fooling yourself. Been going on now for a few years.

  12. Dammit! Where THE HELL was my team’s owner when the Roger Goodell freak off was held to determine the next NFL dynasty?!

  13. I just want to see a team beat them so hard that there is no doubt or chance for the refs to change the outcome. that’s the only way it’s going to happen. You have to beat them by more than 2 scores.

  14. And yet there were chiefs fans whining about the refs a few plays after this in the game thread. It’s some last minute bullshit every game and I’m honestly not even mad anymore, just tired.

    I’m gonna go ahead and put money on the three-peat.

  15. The dude is trying to lift him up like it’s a wedding photo, and the refs suddenly go “blind.” XD

  16. Refs fixing the game? What else is new?

    It’s an entrainment league, not a sports league. The matches are fixed. I don’t know what you expect.

  17. That was obvious and literally in front of at least one ref, that no call was bad, no excuse. I thought the majority of the game had been called pretty even before that, it’s a shame that play is what will be remembered.

  18. Want to talk about the two BS penalties that kept ATL even in the game? Or are we just cherry picking calls? I love me some cherries

  19. I’m gonna sit and wait for all of the chiefs fans to say that wasn’t PI after last week.

  20. I want us to (make the playoffs) and find the Chiefs in the playoffs and absolutely bury them to the point that the refs can’t do a damn thing. The Chiefs won’t say it, but there’s zero chance they want to see Cincy in the playoffs should it happen

  21. Another referee masterclass on how to win games. The Chief player wasn’t even looking at the ball the whole play, how is that not a pass interference

  22. Ah ok I get it now, so if you are a defender that doesn’t play for the chiefs and you go for the ball it’s a PI, but if you are a defender on the chiefs and tackle the dude without even looking or going for the ball before the receiver can even touch the ball it’s not PI. Of course this rule one applies to the Chiefs though.

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