How we feelin Mets fans

How we feelin Mets fans

  1. Feeling ecstatic and extremely hopeful but always expecting the other shoe to drop and provide overwhelming embarrassment. But I was raised as a Mets and Jets fan, so it’s kind of genetic lol… hopefully there’s other people to make up for my trauma-driven expectations

  2. I’d prefer to tank after clinching in Atlanta. Milwaukee and Philly is a much more preferable route to the NLCS than San Diego and LA.

  3. I don’t like that we may have to face Sale twice if Thursday is not played (meaning Manaea wouldn’t pitch either)

  4. The biggest funny would be if us and Braves both get in and we replay on Monday and both teams are trying to lose and get the 6th seed

  5. Dbacks running out of steam. Padres are goddamn super team somehow though. Hurricane decides the season for Mets and Braves. I am just going to close my eyes and let it happen.

  6. Dbacks collapse would do wonders, hope the Giants & Padres beat their ass.

    Need to win today also, don’t wanna risk rain delay game after regular season finishes.

  7. Grateful for this ride so far. A little weary about the money I’m going to gladly spend for post season tickets. Sad that the end is in sight though. 6 months without baseball is probably how people who live in far northern places where the sun doesn’t fully rise for half the year feel in winter.

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