Oakland Athletics New Era Hat

  1. Very few things shock me nowadays but I am genuinely shocked this is real

    How. How did this get pass through.

  2. Between this being one of the last pieces of Oakland era merch ever and the fucking ASS, this has collector’s item in 30 years written all over it

  3. Out of stock, I literally was going to buy it. I never impulse buy things but I literally changed for YOU! I DID IT FOR YOU ASS HAT! I feel betrayed this morning

  4. Haha, okay, that’s a fun photoshop but let’s be real, guys, lots to talk about with the season winding down.

  5. Out of stock because it’s sold out or out of stock because someone realised the fuck up and pulled it from sale.

    I really hope it’s because it’s sold out and not pulled.

  6. Wait I thought it was a joke

    Like, it looks cool at first but a hat that very clearly says ASS is… oof

  7. Spotted this guy on the train in Tokyo. Asked, “How ‘bout dem A’s?”

    Very dryly he responded in a German accent, “Oh. I see. It’s because of the, uh [points at hat]. I just like the ass. I think it’s cool.”

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