What are we doing? It was 1 game. CJ: “We know everyone will probably turn their back on us, we know our FANS are going to stay LOYAL.”


It’s over. Everyone’s talked about last game, let’s move on to Jags @ home. Show out EARLY, be loud on DEFENSE ONLY, and stay loyal 🤘It’s home advantage for a reason.

What are we doing? It was 1 game. CJ: “We know everyone will probably turn their back on us, we know our FANS are going to stay LOYAL.”
byu/spm8418 inTexans

  1. Fans are gonna stay loyal for sure but we have a right to critique. So do analysts, but regardless, this is a 17 game season and we need to put week 3 behind.

    This next Jags game will be important, they are looking like a legitimate bottom 5 team in the league, we can’t afford to struggle against them even if it’s a divisional rival. Start the year off 3-1 and look like the contender we should be.

  2. CJ is ranked 22 on EPA … that shouldn’t happen with his talent and our WR corp. it’s ok to criticize the poor job our coaching staff has done. Not completely writing them off, but we need to see improvements.

  3. Losses happen, its the NFL and any given team can win. What is more important is how you respond to it.

  4. People were playing fantasy football in their minds before the season, thinking that “great” rosters on paper somehow mean a team will trounce their regular season schedule and charge through the playoffs to an automatic Super Bowl victory. Hardly. This is the NFL.

  5. Pretty sure we need to go back to Jan 12th, 2020 to find the last game that caused an identity crisis this bad inside this subreddit. It was warranted then but this time it’s petulant and stupid.

    It’s just one loss, and it was against the 1st or second hottest team in the league right now. I would not be surprised to see these Vikings in the SB at this rate.

    We need to watch and see how the team navigates adversity during the week. How well they get back to practice. How things adjust. It’s as much a part of the game as the actual 60 minutes of play every Sunday.

    Ask yourself this: When the Vikings are going through their own bout of adversity next month, will the fans who panicked in here even notice?

    It was a trick question: the Vikings had probably the worst preseason imaginable and they navigated that adversity extremely well, coming out hard and determined. Their team has already gone through worse adversity as a team this year than anything Houston has gone through in two years.

    Now it’s our turn. We finally got our wake up call. Let’s see if this team has the guts to answer before we panic.

  6. Reminder that football comes to us first with the NCAA where the requirement for a trophy is basically being undefeated.

    Then we finally get the NFL and you could enter the playoffs under .500.

  7. Rather get smoked like that in Week 3 than in the playoffs. Minnesota becoming elite caught us off guard. This team will be fine as long as they go back in, study what went wrong and take steps to resolve it which I haven’t had any reason to doubt DeMeco, CJ and the guys won’t do. Now we know where our issues are and we can fix them.

  8. You can be loyal and disappointed at the same time. I’ll still be tuning in regardless, I’ve definitely watched worse Texans teams and yet I’m still here.

  9. God damn do I love CJ. He’s a “kid” in age, but an adult in mindset. Great response from the leader of this team, holding his head up high after a humiliating loss. I trust him to help right the ship.

    Please note: I said kid cause I’m an old man compared to him in age, he’s a young’n in my eyes.

  10. I get it was a rough loss, but CJ was being a bit melodramatic with that “We know everyone will probably turn their back on us” bit IMO.

  11. Thanks for posting this OP and taking the time to respond to people trying to up the positivity.

    The fact that people on this sub are really calling for tunsil, tytus, etc, to be benched, is fucking wild.

    The things I’ve read on this sub and Twitter since the loss makes it seem like some fans literally just hate the Texans. We’ve been through so many years of disappointment, now with our best roster ever, and really say so much negative shit after 1 loss? Can’t fucking relate at all.

  12. No one is going anywhere lol. If we stuck with the team through the pre DeMeco Ryans era, we’re certainly not leaving after a lackluster Week 3 performance. But I also believe in holding the team accountable when they play like shit. Especially when some of the star players aren’t inclined to do the same. Obviously I’m not talking about CJ here.

  13. Bro deleting his twitter needs to thug it out idc. That was an ugly loss and they deserved to be criticized I’m glad they’ve seen it. Hopefully they use it as motivation to lock in. As long as people aren’t threatening their lives or showing up to their houses like they did with Matt Schaub they’ll be fine. As far as this subreddit or Twitter goes, I think that’s more of a problem for y’all than it is the actual team

  14. There is a point to be made that it is early and to a non conference team, so it’s a great coaching moment. It’ll be nice to see them kick the shit out of the Jags.

  15. I been watching and rooting even through the worst of the Capers, Kubiak and BoB eras. Players on each team to root for at the very least, ain’t missed many games even at their VERY worst.

    I’m still here. I ain’t heard no bell. Worry not CJ. I believe.

    Go Texans.

    /But ya gotta fix that O-Line bullshit tho. False starts, sacks, hurries and 38 yards rushing ain’t gonna get it done.

  16. Yeah we can be loyal but also point out persisting issues and hope that they get fixed. I don’t think it’s unfair to point out those issues if it’s happening for a stretch of time. But if you’re calling for jobs (seen a lot of Slowik hate), slow it down. Also not ready to bench Tunsil, but he needs to get in a room with Strausser, Scruggs and CJ and they figure it out.

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