This just doesn’t sit right with me, looks like he doesn’t wanna be there.

Josh deserves better smh.

  1. To be fair… as a mavs fan and for the most part a JG fan, he kinda always looked like he never wanted to be here either

  2. If true, can you blame him? Going from a team that just made to finals to… whatever you wanna call Charlotte, I wouldn’t be exactly thrilled.

  3. Most natural born competitors would not be thrilled to go from a Finals team to a team in a huge playoff drought, but he will get a lot more opportunities there.

  4. As a Mavs fan I totally understand why we traded him, but as an Aussie I’m still super disappointed that he’s gone and been condemned to play for the Hornets 🙁

  5. He went from playing in the NBA Finals to getting traded to one of the worst teams.

    How would you feel?

  6. Wishing him the best. He didn’t improve his game as much as I would have liked this season but he always gave it his all and I’ll miss those corner 3s

  7. I really enjoyed watching Josh play but I’m glad I can finally stop my illusions of him being anything more than a nice role player

  8. The trade was correct but I still believe that there is is a very talented player hidden inside him. The quality of his passing, shooting and run game is all A tier and he is a pretty decent defender. His passing is good quality but he is a mediocre passer because he makes awful decisions with the ball.

    The problem has always been that he doesn’t have a brake, plays at this hyper extra 120% when he has the ball as if the clock always has 2 seconds left without considering his decisions. It looks great when he makes the perfect dunk or pass but so often makes boneheaded panicky plays.

    I think a part of it is the subconscious need to prove his value in the limited time he gets so I think going to a team where he’ll get a bigger role and more minutes might be the best for him.

  9. Hornets could be fighting for a play-in spot this season. They’re gonna be a fun team if healthy. He was never gonna thrive as a Maverick.

  10. Maybe he’ll ball out there with the extended role and can somehow make his way back to us in the future

  11. Unfortunately that’s the business. He needed to be part of the trade in order to make Thompson to Mavs happen.

  12. Best of luck to him but he really does have a lot riding on this stop. He got to his 2nd contract but he has a lot to prove if he’s gonna have a long career

  13. Calm. Down. He was replaced. With the version we wanted him to be. We can’t pre-bitch unless that version doesn’t work out🙄

  14. It always stings when a player that was drafted and developed by the same team is traded away.

    I do think Green will def fit better with Charlotte though. Unfortunately he had to play the 3 in Dallas with Luka and Kai being the backcourt, and just wasn’t big enough. In Charlotte he will fit perfectly at the 2 between LaMelo and Miller.

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