“Is it time to panic?” – Toronto reporter

“Is it time to panic?” – Toronto reporter

  1. Reminder the game was in Ottawa and I dont recognize the voice. This actually might be Ottawa media snark.

  2. Shitty reporter. Asks a super dumb question then proceeds to talk over him while he’s giving an answer then proceeds to ask more questions while he’s still talking. wtf is this…

  3. 100%. Kampf was the first line center so we’re in big trouble. He should have dropped the gloves with him.

  4. This is the Toronto experience! I wish Berube had like scoffed at the reporter for such a stupid question lol.

    Berube only played here for a couple months so he’s gotta get his Toronto experience in quickly!

  5. Berubes face when asked the question was perfect. I hope he continues to handle the media this way. Just utter confusion and contempt.

  6. Toronto sports media securing its place as the toilet bowl amongst professional sports cities media! Brutal. She’s terrible.

  7. Oh no! Two preseason losses in a row. Fire the coach! Trade everybody! Man, Leaf fans barely care about regular season results anymore, let alone exhibition hockey.

  8. As a respectable Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I would have to say ‘yes’. It is time to get panicking. Yes.

  9. “Is it time too look for a new job after such a dumb question like that” would have been my retort

  10. In fairness it doesn’t seem like that was her actual question. Seems like it was her preamble then the actual question was “is this more about development?”. Still not a great question, but not as dumb as first thought.

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