Wolves projected to only win 42 games according to ESPN

What a joke! How can you really think we are gonna downgrade this much from last season? We only really lose Slo Mo right? Typical media bias 🙄

  1. I don’t wanna encourage the growth of sports betting any more than it already is but…..where can I take the over on this?

  2. The fucking blatant disrespect.

    I’m going to put 400 on the over,

    and 200 on them to win it all.

  3. This is from Peltons model which had the wolves at like 45 wins last year too. Pelton publishes the raw number without modifying them and then he (in past years) would go on Zach Lowe and say which numbers were higher or lower than what he personally thought and why he felt the model didn’t like certain teams.

  4. I think it’s pretty ridiculous to just assume we will get injured and therefore be terrible as a result. Basically they are saying that the depth behind the top 8 is completely unproven so if anyone goes down and they have to play more minutes its going to lead to us being .500. I would assume that these projections should consider a fully healthy roster otherwise it’s just pure speculation.

    Also it’s a bit wild they don’t use the same mechanism for Denver when their depth is much worse than ours.

  5. Pelton’s model had the wolves as either first or second in projected wins at the beginning of last year, and that ended up being pretty accurate. Hopefully it is inaccurate this year

  6. Pelton’s stat model was pretty accurate for the Wolves last season. Probably shouldn’t have tinkered with it Kevin

  7. I wish they’d put that for the over under on their ESPN Bet platform. I would hit the over for as much as they’d let me.

  8. Didn’t they predict around the same number last year? Also, what is this projection based off of? Is this just a wild ass guess from some goober at ESPN?

  9. Seriously, what would have to go wrong for us to play 500 ball???

    MNMike out of gas

    KAT and Rudy out for season

    2 Rookies unplayable

    So we start NAW, Ant, Jaden, Ingles and NAZ REID, with an awful bench. That would be a 450-500 team.

  10. I think we are a better team than last year but the Western conference got better. I’m a huge wolves fan, but realistically I could see us being around 45, fighting for play-in spots, and then sweeping some series on the way to playing the Bucks in the finals. Good ol border battle

  11. Weve been shit for fuckin yonks, its gonna take time to scrub that stain off our shorts, but fuck it lets win a chip.

  12. While I think their number is obviously low barring catastrophic injury issues, I will agree that the West is going to be an absolute meat grinder this year. I think the top seed and the play in are going to be separated by just a few games.

  13. ESPN also thinks Angel Reece is in the same category as Caitlin Clark. It’s time to move away from the 4 letter network, they no longer have a clue.

  14. Can ignore this whole article after reading the first sentence:

    *”After a dismal year for the projections, which correctly predicted just nine of 30 teams relative to their over/under win totals last season…”*

    We all know this team is better than a 42-win team. No need get outraged over some random projection model.

  15. “Espn” didn’t do this. Kevin Pelton did. He has a win projection model he runs every year. 2 years ago when we won 42 games he had us winning 50+. 

    He cites having to play rookies in the rotation, a stronger western conference, and likely not having as good of injury luck as last year. 

    He could be wrong, it’s just one projection model, but it’s based on historical win/loss rates and tends to be fairly good. Again, we’ll see. 

  16. I actually like it tbh, if they exceed 42 wins which they certainly will, MVP buzz for Ant should bring louder by midseason.

  17. Yall understand that this is calculated using a model? This not some writer on ESPN picking win totals, its a genuine effort to build a system that accurately does its job. Kevin Pelton is highly respected analyst, he’s not just hating on the wolves just to hate.

  18. ESPN also thought Angel Reese was the front runner for ROTY in WNBA. Safe to say, they have no idea what they’re talking about.

  19. I think we will fall off a bit this season. Losing Slow-Mo will hurt and the new rooks are going to cost us. Plus teams will adjust to expose our weaknesses more like Dallas did and totally destroyed us.

    That said, I don’t think we fall off much. Not 8th seed fall off like they project. I could see us being 3-5 seed.

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