[Passan] The Oakland A’s were killed by greed. Do not allow the people responsible for this to spin it any other way. John Fisher did not have to move this team. Major League Baseball and its owners did not need to be complicit in it. This was a choice. A wrong one. History will sneer

[Passan] The Oakland A’s were killed by greed. Do not allow the people responsible for this to spin it any other way. John Fisher did not have to move this team. Major League Baseball and its owners did not need to be complicit in it. This was a choice. A wrong one. History will sneer

  1. Obviously true, and fuck anyone here that tried to gaslight. Special place for that kinda person.

  2. After all these years of various locations, various stadium mockups, various legislative process, various building codes its over. We went thru that whole rollercoaster just to end up with nothing.

  3. all those sad fans didn’t have to be sad. John could have sold for a 10x profit. he had buyers but kept saying the team wasn’t for sale.

    so all those sad fans are now mad because they realize their sadness stems from one guy’s bad decision.

    his name will be badmouthed for generations in the Bay Area and beyond

  4. I’m a Las Vegas native, and I can tell you right now that John fisher will never receive one penny from me. Ever.

    Fuck John fisher

  5. It’s crazy that MLB continues the plow forward with this despite the NATIONAL reaction to what’s going. It isn’t just our local people like Brodie, Casey, and Larry…the national talking heads are all ripping Fisher – from Passan, to Dan Patrick, to LeBatard, Rich Eisen…nobody in this country likes this move. And yet they dont’ see what they’re doing as wrong. It’s unbelievable.

  6. Don’t worry, the other 29 owners will chip in $10M per team to fund the stadium in Vegas. They voted for it. Emotions arerunning high now, but in the end, good riddance to Fisher.

  7. Man fuck fisher and fuck Ricky dude turned in a yes man for that bitch ass owner the facts are there he didn’t want to be in Oakland that’s all

  8. Unsurprisingly /r/baseball full of billionaire bootlickers. I guess basic empathy is too much to ask for. Fuck Fisher and all these bums defending him

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