[Passan] The Oakland A’s were killed by greed. Do not allow the people responsible for this to spin it any other way. John Fisher did not have to move this team. Major League Baseball and its owners did not need to be complicit in it. This was a choice. A wrong one. History will sneer.

[Passan] The Oakland A’s were killed by greed. Do not allow the people responsible for this to spin it any other way. John Fisher did not have to move this team. Major League Baseball and its owners did not need to be complicit in it. This was a choice. A wrong one. History will sneer.

  1. Relocations are always fucking depressing because of what you take away from the fans and everyone knows its because of a billionaire’s greed and theres no way to stop it

  2. It’s not a coincidence that everyone who loves the game is in agreement that the A’s should be in Oakland. FJF

  3. God I hope no one goes to any of the games in Sacramento so he loses his ass. Give the man zero money for 162 games, bleed him dry.

  4. passan and rosenthal ripping a’s ownership & the league itself for allowing this to happen

    but yeah continue to blame the fans or even the city of oakland itself for why the a’s are leaving when two of the most respected MLB writers are disgusted with how this all unfolded

    that tells you something

  5. # Fisher’s Curse begins today.

    47,000 fans packed the Coliseum for the Oakland Athletic’s final home game. John Fisher is a coward whose name shall be reviled in every corner of the baseball world. I hereby invoke a curse upon him and the franchise he owns. The Athletics will never win another championship or even muster a winning season as long as any city besides Oakland precedes their name and John Fisher is their owner. Let it be known far and wide as Fisher’s Curse so that the greedy cur himself will know that for every one person that might respect him, there are thousands that would spit upon his grave. May his name, visage, and legacy be held in perpetual disgust. When the time comes for such a wretch as John Fisher to shuffle off this mortal coil, may his heart feel nothing but the chill of his own greed. Fuck John Fisher.

  6. Even though I live in Vegas and am looking forward to seeing mlb here in a few years,I still wish they would have stayed in Oakland.Slso the site for the park sucks.

  7. John Fisher’s grave will be overgrown with grass, watered from all the spit and piss that will be directed at it.

    And when someone asks why that grave is so overgrown, they will learn who that man was.

    And add their own.

  8. the difference between passan and espn’s other “breaking news reporters” like schefter and woj (rip) is that passan seems to actually care about the sport outside of reporting on it

  9. Fuck Fisher, John Henry, the scumbag in Pittsburgh and the donkey who owns Colorado. All that money and these greedy bastards could give 2 shits about the on field product and it’s fans 

  10. Oakland A’s – my distant relative. I feel for you guys today. You don’t deserve this.
    – Philadelphia A’s

  11. dont know if its true, but I read that Peter Seidler strong armed some owners into voting against the move, but when he passed the owners caved

  12. If this wasn’t such a sad topic “This was a choice. A wrong one. History will sneer.” Would be incredible pasta

  13. Feel for the A’s fans, especially as an ex- Charger fan. Shit sucks that the community feeds those stadiums and teams and 50+ years of support is tossed aside for money. Doubly sucks for Oakland losing 2 teams. Goes to show you, none of these sports league give a shit about the fans even though the fans are what drives that business. Fuck John Fisher, Fuck Al Davis, Fuck Dean Spanos.

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