Still haven’t forgotten how our 2020 season ended. #FireRobDrake

Fire Rob Drake

  1. While it was frustrating in the moment, am I the only one that just doesn’t care about it even looking back? I mean the 2020 season was such a joke I can’t even remember a single thing that happened in the regular season or playoffs that year. 2021 on the other hand… fuck Gabe Morales.

  2. Definitely sucks, but outside of 2021, this team hasn’t been good enough for me to be very mad about umping in 10 years.

  3. I still remember this moment, where I was standing and in what bar. I was SUPER SUPER SUPER f’ing pissed. No one else seemed to care for some reason.

  4. While this pitch is low, name a more iconic duo than Austin Slater and watching a called third strike

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