It didn’t seem like it at the time we let him go, but did we dodge a bullet? I don’t ever remember this from him in H-Town.

It didn’t seem like it at the time we let him go, but did we dodge a bullet? I don’t ever remember this from him in H-Town.

  1. It was only a close play because the pitcher made a terrible throw. Running full speed on a routine grounder to the pitcher is a quick way to shorten your career. This is a nothing burger bro.

  2. I had not been following baseball much outside of the Astros lately, so I was stunned to see that the Tigers had snagged themselves a WC spot, while Minnesota was on the outside looking in. Definitely did not expect that. Good for Hinch!

  3. Ehh, I dont fault him for that. 99.9% of the time thats an automatic out. It was just a terrible throw

  4. We dodged a bullet because he’s hurt often, not because of an admittedly awful effort on one important play.

  5. That’s on the manager in my opinion. If I was a coach/manager no matter what everyone would play hard on every play. You are a professional. You get paid a lot of money to put forth effort.

  6. When he’s healthy Correa is a force. Clutch AF too. Pains me to admit because I find him otherwise loathsome, which wouldn’t matter but the media loves to quote him and he’s always saying something

  7. He’s been playing hurt since he left us. Carlos Correa is a beast when he’s healthy. I would love to see him play his last season here. H-Town legend!

  8. Didn’t Tucker do something very similar in the playoffs last year, and everyone here still wants to re-sign him?

  9. Remember those Root commercials with guys like Evan Gattis saying Correa could be the best ever? Crazy times.

  10. I think we dodged the Correa bullet on many levels. He’s susceptible to even the simplest of injuries (remember his “rib” injury from a fuggin massage). I always personally thought he was a bit too soft, a scotch of pre-madonna, and I maintain his girlfriend beats him. I’ll always remember him for being a part of our 2017 WS run, but him and Springer were destined to leave. I’m content, no fuck that, I’m thrilled we still have our core group of guys sprinkled with some new era talent 🫡 here’s to hoping we can crunch numbers to keep Breggy 🍻

  11. he did this all the time in Houston, not that I really care cuz you’re out 99% of the time. I still miss him over Peña tbh.

  12. We ‘dodged a bullet’ because Jeremy Peña has been a more productive player over the past three years (13 WAR vs 10.5) AND saved us 101 million and counting.

  13. He was too fragile for the money he was asking, front office probably knew that JP was ready so we let him walk.

  14. Nah he is probably still hurt. He has had a bad ankle for about a year now. I believe that bad ankle is why his original deals with San Fran and with Yankees/Mets did not go through.

    A chronically bad ankle is a killer for an athlete. Just ask Grant Hill. He had an ankle injury that required surgery in 2001. The surgeon screwed up and it took away 4 seasons of his prime.

  15. This is like looking back at where our ex is doing…

    Happy for him at whatever he’s doing.

    But even happier we’re with JP3 now. 🫶

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