Jaromir Jagr was voted as the slowest Flame! Who is the BEST FORWARD? NO REPEAT ANSWERS, as always comment with the most votes wins

Jaromir Jagr was voted as the slowest Flame! Who is the BEST FORWARD? NO REPEAT ANSWERS, as always comment with the most votes wins

  1. Jarome Iginla will not be accepted as an answer for this square as he was already voted as Best Flame

  2. It’s gotta be Fleury. 2nd all time in Goals and Points behind Iggy and has a higher Goals per game

  3. Kent Nilsson

    *“He’s the purest, most talented player in the league. Great player, great shot”* – **Wayne Gretzky**, March 1987 (“ROUNDUP Oilers Get Nilsson,” The Globe and Mail, 3 Mar 1987).

  4. If Iggy’s off the board and we’re saving Johnny for Best Handles, then I’ll go with Lanny.

  5. This is hard. In the end, I guess it would be Fleury, with Iginla, Nilsson, and Gilmour all right there. Honourable mention to Lanny McDonald for best forward with an amazing ‘stache.

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