This guy should be embarrassed with the trash he’s given us over the last decade

We’ve endured a decade of incompetence with Mara. Coaching carousels, bad draft picks, sub par quarterbacks, a shitty cement stadium with zero flair and ever increasing tickets prices.

I’m dreading another phenom like Nabers going to waste in an inept Giants organization that has lost all of their pride since the greatness of their Super Bowl runs.

I know they won’t, but maybe it’s time for this guy and Tisch to sell the team to people who want to win in less than a decade.

  1. Yes, he needs to answer for forcing Daniel Jones on this new regime and this fanbase. The kid is average on a good day and dog shit at his worst.

  2. I joke with my cousin we need him caught in a Donald Sterling like scandal so the league forces him to sell (half-kidding).

  3. Maybe so – but yesterdays game seems to show that the big gap between the Giants and cowboys has closed to a significant degree. It’s aggravating because it was a very winnable game. The wort thing, as a fan, expectation wise, was the Giants making the playoff two years ago ahead of schedule.

  4. The org CANNOT get in sync. First it’s a coach being forced on a GM, then a GM being forced on a coach, and when you finally do get those 2 jobs in sync, you have a starting QB who was not selected by either the coach OR the GM, somehow. Fucking *madness*.

    It’s not rocket science, a new regime should be an org-wide reset. But noooo, we can’t just be fuckin *normal*.

  5. He trust his employees..that is his flaw…I rather have that than the alternative…besides Gettlemen…he has tried

  6. He’s not, this jerk off is still making money even while putting a shit product on the field. He probably loves it to be honest. Just like when he ran his fans out of the building with the PSL’s. Generations of Giants fans who had to give up their tickets because of him. He had a diehard loyal fan base and he said “fuck you” to each and every one of them. Man had a waiting list for season tickets about 20 years long and he decided to be the greedy little rat that he is. Btw he really does look like a rat. The fuckin little Nepo baby can’t get out of his own little bitch way. He thinks he’s his father when he’s nothing more than a spineless little sheltered pussy. Every decision this man has made has been the wrong one. He benefited off the work and success of Ernie Acorsi and now is left holding his little dick in his hand.

    I’m sorry, I just really fucking hate John Mara with a burning passion.

  7. I did some thinking about this recently.

    John and Steve took over in 2005. Even though we won in 2007 and 2011; it is well noted that 2007 was an upset, and the 2011 team was 9-7 and barely made the playoffs. Both were miracle, magical, playoff runs.

    My theory is that these two boneheads are the reason the team has gone to absolute garbage. They started with enough talent, and since “even a broken clock is correct twice a day”, hit on enough random players in those first few years that Eli could bring us those Super Bowls.

    If you really think about it, the team has been in a nearly constant, fairly linear decline since they took over.

    *Should we start ‘sell the team’ chants?*

  8. Time to throw tradition out the window. (Big props to Wellington for the lack of a roof at the Meadowlands.)

    The Giants are going to lose 2 generations of fans with this dismal run, and it will take another extended era of greatness (see 1986-2012) to make the team relevant.

    My dad, born in 1937, grew up for the first part of his life in the shadow of Yankee Stadium. My grandparents had season tickets until they left for New Haven and then NJ. I’m a lifelong and forever fan.

    But of late I don’t go to games and I’ll turn off the TV or radio without a thought if the game is out of hand or boring (often both).

    I’m never that way with the Yankees, even though it’s been longer since a title. Hal isn’t a winner, but it feels like the Yankees are always competitive and stand a chance.

    Who’d you like to see buy the team?

  9. Was at the game last night, 50% of the stadium was cowboys fans. So embarrassing we don’t even have a home field advantage

  10. So sick of the Mara posts. He has the most job security in the entire organization bc he fucking owns it, he is never going anywhere.

  11. I don’t want him to sell, I want him to take his brother and his nephew and get the fuck out of the front office. They are terrible football men. This I know for sure.

    I think that he is a bad ceo with bad instincts and is working under an organizational model that is archaic and inefficient.

    He needs to step down as president and hire someone to take over the franchise and reorganize it.

  12. YUP! I despise the narrative that the Giants organization and the Mara’s are a classy organization. The organization is a joke. John Mara is a joke. Tisch is invisible. He needs to sell the team.

  13. Ran the family business right into the ground. He and his son. I’m not sure there’s an end to this madness for at least another several seasons.

  14. I feel like if Daboll was head coaching instead of calling the offense he would have tee’d off on the officiating crew with that abysmal face mask call. Instead he is too busy doing the OCs job. The game was so winnable, yes our run game sucked but the o line was giving Danny time to play, and I feel like we were smashing them in the mouth, with Parsons and number 90 suffering injuries. Anyhow, it’s all bullshit and comes back to Mara and his management team.

  15. This headline / post was in my messages, so i thought it was a response to something I posted and I was like – look, my posts on Reddit might be trash, but I’ve not been here close to a decade.

  16. OMG, they lost a close game. It was also exciting to watch and worth watching until almost the very end.

    Imagine the reaction after a blowout loss 🙄

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