Who’s talking shit?

Who’s talking shit?

  1. Steelees fan here from Serbia.

    Only thing I wish to say…man, I would realy love for Americans to come here on few socer or basketball games and see the fans and dinamics that exist ( or should I say tension thats very likely bursting into colosal numerous fights before and/or after the game ).

    Maybe they can have different perspectice then😀

  2. My Buddy (die hard chiefs fan) had beer thrown on him and his infant son at Lucas oil stadium by none other than colts fans! This was in 2010 and the colts won, but their fans still decide to drench and infant in beer!

  3. The Colts are an irrelevant team that we’re going to destroy. Same energy as a small dog incessantly barking to compensate.

  4. I live in Indiana. Colts fans are soft as shit. I was booing Tomlin one year for punting on 4th and 1 from the colts 42 and the fans told the usher I was being too loud. She told me to be quiet and I told her I’m cheering for my own team and not shutting up. She had me escorted to the holding cell where it was (SUPRISE!!!) literally only Steelers fans. We won 21-3 or 21-0. Bunch of fucking softies

  5. Steelers fan and lifelong Indianapolis resident, I can’t tell you why but I allllllllways get dirty looks when I tell people I’m a Steelers fan. Softest, most fair weather fan base you’ll ever meet

  6. Every fanbase has shit fans. Ours can be really bad. Maybe this person had really bad experiences. Idrc

  7. I was at Lucas Oil for the 2016 thanksgiving game. Y’all ever see peewee football parents? With their bells and pom poms chanting “go team go!”? Completely harmless and plain? Now imagine 55,000 of them. Like a bland convention. Someone even said “may the best team win!” Like, no, dude. It’s football. Go watch shuffleboard.

  8. Did they forget that the Cowboys exist? I mean, we’re a bunch of assholes, but more than Dallas or Philly? Bullshit.

  9. Cheesehead from the front page, Steelers fans are usually pretty cool, definitely one of the better fanbases.

  10. I’ve only ever been to Steelers games in Atlanta. Every time it is 65+% Steelers fans.

    Zero issues. Everyone super happy to be there and having a good time.

  11. Steelers fan from just north of Indy.
    They’re just jealous. The last time I was at Lucas for a Steelers game you would have thought we were at home.
    We owned that place.

  12. I’ve been to Lucas Oil for Steelers games 3 or 4 times in the last 5 years and the Colts fans are always fairly respectful. Couple chirps here and there. There’s the drunk fans that ruin the experience for everyone occasionally but that’s fairly standard for any NFL game I’ve been to. Guessing this guy likes to talk shit but can’t take it

  13. Sorry but there isn’t a single NFL fan base that is even half as bad as the futball fans from Argentina or Turkey.

  14. I remember Colts fans being much more hostile than I expected towards Steelers fans last year on Reddit. The Colts are one of the teams I give the fewest shits about in the NFL. I wouldn’t feel strongly if they won a super bowl or went 0-17. Why do they hate us so much? Is it because our fans pack their stadium? They can’t still be mad about Ben dropping 6 TDs on them, can they?

  15. I can’t speak to the fans that travel, as the last time I saw us in an away game was 95, but I’ve been to two home games, one a Ravens game, and we could not have been better hosts. I didn’t see a single fight, though one Ravens fan did try a few times, and everyone was super nice to the opposing fans both times.

    ETA I’ve been a bunch of other places, and the only place I’ve been that had a better atmosphere for visiting fans was New Orleans.

  16. Jokes on them. That violent Steelers fan is just as likely to be one of the locals as they are being from Pittsburgh.

  17. To be fair, I would be in a pretty shitty mood all of the time if my team only won 1 Super Bowl with Peyton Manning.

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