The refs are only getting worse

The refs are only getting worse

  1. The refs have been getting worse my entire life. That’s why I’ve been getting more into basketball (helps that the Bucks are good) but even if the ref blows a call it doesn’t usually have as big as an impact as a blown call in the NFL

  2. PI fouls have become way too influencial to the outcome of games (both whem called or lack of call).

    IMO, defensive PI fouls should be a max of 10 yards with an automatic first down. If it occurs under 2 minutes then give em the 10 yards, first down, and revert game clock back to what it was at the start of the play. Reverting the clock disincentivizes the defense to commit a PI at will to stall a drive because the offense gets a free 10 yards with no time lost. It also prevents these game altering 40+ yard free chunk plays when the offense executes poorly (severely underthown ball) that ultimately gets them a massive advantage by creating a scenario to get a PI call.

    To me, 40 or 50 yard chunks because of a long PI call kind of ruins the tension of a game winning drive. Conversely, if a PI call is missed on a long pass it’s a BIG DEAL because that would have meant a huge free chunk for the offense. Lessening the foul to 10 yards lessens the importance of the call.

  3. I’ve also always thought 10 yards was too much for offense holding. You’re already negating the play. You’re telling me roughing or a personal foul is only worth 5 more yards than that? While we’re on the subject of dumb rules spot foul DPI is ridiculous. Hail Marys and under thrown balls being rewarded.

  4. The only solution to bad reffing is to give teams unlimited challenges and let them challenge anything in the game.

  5. It’s a huge challenge, and not just with making sure the game moves at a reasonable pace (look how well baseball has done drawing in fans since the pitch clock came in).

    The PI foul is especially tough. If you penalize only 10 or 15 max like college, then DBs can just tackle WRs who are going to be at them for a long TD.

    The solution is to distinguish between flagrant and incidental (make the former a spot foul, the latter 10 yards and first down). The problem with that solution is again we are asking refs to make the smallest distinctions at full speed and no assistance.

    This and so many other situations is where “eye in the sky” refs would make a huge impact in quality of officiating. You can have two trained refs in the press box both watching real time and with closeup monitors of every camera that can buzz to the refs and say “that was an incidental PI” or “pick up the flag for holding” in real time. Then only the super close plays like catches and boundary calls (including goal line) go to full stoppage for replay.

    They are getting close to that already.

  6. They haven’t been getting worse. We are just able to see every call in high Def and had former refs on the broadcast telling us things are bad.

  7. Also why do holding calls put you back 10 whole yards? That has always seemed excessive to me.

  8. yeah we definitely need to slow the game down even more than we already have, that will be pleasant

  9. The last thing we need are more or longer stoppages. I think the real problem is that the current rules weren’t meant to be interpreted through the super slo-mo and 1000x magnification that we have now. If you don’t know a foul when you see it, it shouldn’t be called. Just play football.

  10. Let’s throw in them getting finned and fired too. Or I want a press conference for there stupidity sometimes too

  11. NFL games would be 5hours long… they should make some of those roughing the passer penalties that aren’t really violent 5 yard penalties instead of 15 and automatic first down

  12. While we’re at it, PI calls on either side of the ball should not be spot fouls as well.

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