CJGJ fined over $45K from the NO game. While Saints Boyd and Penning fines combined under $16K.

CJGJ fined over $45K from the NO game. While Saints Boyd and Penning fines combined under $16K.

  1. Yeah, that’s crazy that taunting is a bigger fee than unnecessary roughness. So much for player safety taking priority.

  2. Percentage of salary is the dumbest thing ever. Imagine punishing criminals based off their salary

  3. I’ve watched the nfl for a lot of years and maybe it’s my old age but I can’t recall a player being driven into the player bench it was a disgusting move

  4. 🎶no one likes us no likes us no one likes us WE DON’T CARE we’re from philly fuckin philly no one likes us WE DON’T CARE🎶

    let this serve as a reminder to you.

    respect is not given it is earned. if that respect can not be earned then it will be taken by force. disrespect will not be tolerated.

    we go into battle every sunday as the most hated team and fan base in the nfl possibly in sports. we won’t get calls. teams are allowed to play dirty vs us. remember this on gameday while you scream you fuckin head off and defend our house.

    no likes us. WE DON’T CARE.🦅

  5. Joke ass league and joke ass refs; it’s like they try and figure out how to be worse and worse every year

  6. Does CJ have a charity or something he supports? Let’s raise 45k for his charity if he has one.

  7. Is it surprising they’re going after CJGJ? He’s a shit starter. Whether it’s the mouth guard pull or the knocking off his own helmet from the week previous. It was likely imo that they were going to be keeping a close eye on him.

  8. Purposely hurting a defenseless player – $4k.
    Purposely dancing and screaming – $16k.
    NFL caring about player safety – Priceless

  9. Giving a player a concussion by hitting him in the head with the crown of your helmet………. $4600

    Holding a player a full 3 yards out of the playing area and throwing him into your bench….. $11000

    Hurting a players feelings by making fun of them…. $16883

  10. So it’s not even conjecture anymore, here are the objective numbers that prove how little the league cares about player safety. Fucking joke

  11. I mean CJ is getting hosed here, but the real problem is they didn’t suspend Boyd. That was a Vontaze Burfict level play right there. At least a game, if not 2. In college he’d have had to sit out a game at least. I’m with the people who call for targeting penalties to be implemented in the NFL.

  12. How the hell does taunting deserve a higher fine than unnecessary roughness that could cause serious injury?

    This leagues priorities are screwed up as usual. What a joke.

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