Devils fan coming in peace!

Devout devils fan, but a jersey collector too! Reppin’ my Yotes jersey at Hersheypark’s Dark Nights event, looked amazing in the black light! Love from the sweetest place on earth!

  1. New Jersey stole Denver’s team. But Denver got a new team
    *checks notes*
    13 years later. But then they won a cup that year. Is that worth it?

  2. Caps fan.

    I converted a non hockey fan friend into a hockey fan, then to a yotes fan since they were always my second team. He’s got so much kachina gear and we took him to the yotes game in DC each year, went to the last coyotes game here back in March to see them beat the caps.

    Ima miss that shit every year. Dude always rocks his coyotes gear but is sorta pissed at us for getting him into the team that got dicked by the league.

    Love the jersey bro. Hope Phoenix gets their team back. Hockey belongs in the desert

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