Would you trade Grayson Allen for Dorian Finney-Smith?

Ok so this topic was discussed as a potential trade on the Locked On Suns Podcast a few weeks ago.

Would you trade Grayson Allen for Dorian Finney-Smith?

  1. Hell nah. Grayson in all likelihood is part of the Suns long term plans after Booker, KD, maybe Beal and our new rookies. He’s on a good contract, still young, good shooter, rarely gets injured, and his defense ain’t so bad.

  2. Top 3 point shooters IN THE ENTIRE NBA don’t grow on trees unfortunately… And he did just that just LAST YEAR. he’s probably as good as it gets as a spot up shooter and we need someone to make those who double team KD and Book pay…

  3. I mean we kind of have to, might not be for DFS but anyone with eyes can see this team has glaring holes on defense and trading Allen is one of the ways to fix that. This team has enough firepower to take the hit on offense if it means bringing in a big defensive wing or forward.

    As currently built this team is not a serious contender, the defense isn’t good enough.

  4. It’s hilarious watching teams overrate the hell out of their assets. Would trade Allen for DFS ten times out of ten.

    There’s not a single legit contender (Celtics, Mavs, Knicks, Timberwolves, Nuggets) who wouldn’t pick DFS over Allen, hence why the Nets were [allegedly] trying to finagle 2 FRPs for him last year. Yet us, a team who literally needs a 3&D unlike those other teams, has us turning our noses up at this trade?

    Movement shooters with no defense like Grayson Allen are overrated, especially come playoff time. All those wide open, ghost screens 3s that he would be getting throughout the regular season instantly disappeared in G1 of the first round (until his injury) and that moment where he was playing hot potato back and forth with the ball with KD instead of just shooting like he did in the regular season let me know everything I needed to see. Unless you can package that trait with some kind of rebounding, defense or driving ability, then you’re a hindrance come playoff time.

    You win championships with guys like DFS (look at how big PJ Tucker was for them during their championship run and he essentially replaced by Grayson Allen) who are scrappy, can play physical defense/rebound, and can knock down open looks. You’re essentially forcing a twig like KD to become that kind of player when you have a Grayson Allen as a integral part of your roster instead of a DFS, and that’s not going to work in the long run, especially at his age. Even the Nets were smart enough during their best season to pair him up with Jeff Green + Blake Griffin to help deal with the Giannis’ and Tatum’s of the world.

    We’d be in much better standing if we had a DFS, DJJ (great pick up for the Clippers), etc… type of player. It’s also why I refused to list the 76ers as one of those teams, because by losing both Batum and RoCo, they’ve essentially forced PG or Oubre to be their 4 and we saw just how outmatched a team like the Clippers were against the Mavs (even without Kawhi) when dealing with a scrappy PJ/DJJ duo

  5. Finney-Smith is another Royce O’Neale/Crowder type of a guy to teams to leave open and miss 3 point shots in the playoffs. No thanks,

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