Jordan Love arriving in a Favre jersey.

Jordan Love arriving in a Favre jersey.

  1. Probably in support of the Parkinsons’ diagnosis. Like Favre or not, but Love is very vocal about supporting causes and raising awareness, which I’m super glad he does!

    Edit: or also a reference to that he wants to be Favre tough!

  2. Considering Favee revealed his Parkinson’s diagnosis this week, I suspect it might be a little love from Love.

  3. I love me some Brett Favre. 🤷🏻‍♂️ can’t help it. Most obscure Favre reference: Brandon Biebel wears his jersey in a brief shot of Girls Yeah Right. Have a nice day

  4. Does that mean after Love throws a beautiful TD to Reed, he hoists Reed on his shoulders and starts running around like a kid on Christmas morning? If yes, I’m all in!

  5. He and Malik were both asked in the locker room about the news of Favre. Both said they felt for him as a human and a football player. Neither commented on the specifics of the hearing where Favre released the news, but imo it’s not something they have to comment on. To me this isn’t support of any of Favre’s actions off the football field.

  6. 600yds 5TD 2INT incoming

    Jokes aside, incredibly classy move by Jordan. He knows how much Favre means to this team and the league as a whole. Favre the person might be awful, but Favre the player saved us from irrelevancy and inspired a new generation of football fans *and* players. He is THE Gunslinger, and #4 will hang in the ring of honor for the rest of time.

  7. Either for the Parkinsons diagnosis or cause he’s coming off a major injury and channeling iron man mode to get the W

  8. Favre was my hero growing up. What he did, in a number of occasions, was abhorrent. I want to believe his horrible judgement stemmed from trauma and not who he really is, though that just makes it incredibly sad in other ways.

    I still wouldn’t wish Parkinson’s on anyone. Good on Jordan for showing love.

  9. Whatever you want to say about Favre (which is both pretty damning and accurate), most Packers fans still have a jersey in their house. Shit, I’ve got 4. Those weren’t cheap. Just can’t be throwing away good material like that.

  10. A classy guy who’s showing support to a Packers legend who could use the love and support right now. I love it.

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