Danny Ainge ‘accidentally’ snipes Mario Elie with a fastball during the 1994 Playoffs (Ainge played pro baseball in the MLB for the Toronto Blue Jays before the NBA)

Danny Ainge ‘accidentally’ snipes Mario Elie with a fastball during the 1994 Playoffs (Ainge played pro baseball in the MLB for the Toronto Blue Jays before the NBA)

  1. Ainge is such a bastard on the basketball court. All that unreleased mormon aggression just comes out in the most annoying pest behavior.

  2. lol that last top view angle is funny though, he and Hakeem are hugging it up and Mario just gets absolutely creamed

    the head snap 😂

    also makes it so much more obvious Ainge wasn’t even looking at Chuck

  3. What was up with Elie mouthing off after the first bucket? The defense there didn’t seem like anything dirty, just a buildup of pest stuff over the course of the game?

  4. Doug Collins’ call on this and the previous play is fucking atrocious.

    He basically called Mario Ehlie an awful human being over a quick taunt,

    then doesn’t say anything about the guy who threw the ball at his head immediately afterwards.

    bitch ass

  5. Getting hit in the head by a straight pass shakes you up so bad. I can only imagine how much worse it is when it’s done by a professional athlete. I didn’t feel right for a couple days and it was just a hard pass in warm ups before a high school game

  6. My friends and I are obsessed with the 1996 video game NBA Hangtime. In that game, Mario Elie runs around with his neck sideways at a 90 degree angle. We nicknamed him Brokeneck Elie.

    Today I found his origin story.

  7. I feel Mario Elie, Chuck Heyes, and PJ Tucker are all spiritual successors of each other on the Rockets

  8. Ainge might have been the best high school athlete of all time, still the only one to be all-American in basketball, football, and baseball.

  9. Is there anything more embarrassing than lunging at a guy to make him flinch and getting zero reaction?

    I guess getting hit in the face with a full speed basketball, then lunging at a guy to get no reaction is probably more embarrassing.

  10. so many times where Ainge deserved to get rocked in the face. so glad horry launched a towel at him

  11. I started off as a Lakers fan while I was living in the islands. Magic was my favorite player of all time, and still is. But I also loved Danny Ainge. It’s weird to love players on opposite sides of a rivalry, but the rivalry is what made me love him. He was scrappy, but also nailed some big shots for Boston.

  12. I never was a big fan of Ainge but I have to give him respect, he was a fearless tough as nails player(and dirty) and despite being tiny and short for the NBA never hesitated to tussle with behemoths a foot taller and 60lbs every night.

  13. Lmao Ainge pretends to be concerned about not touching the ball for the purpose of team possession, after blatantly drilling Ellie on purpose.

  14. I remember watching this as a kid. I was/is a huge suns fan. They were up 2-0 in the series and choked, but this made me and my dad laugh so hard.

  15. Knowing Mario’s reputation, I’m surprised he didn’t take a swing at Ainge. He was always down for a scrap.

  16. As a lifelong celtics fan from western mass i love both of these players and i still laugh my ass off everytime i see it.

  17. I never knew he actually was in the MLB. He had 665 at bats too, so actually played at that level.

    I wonder why it never gets brought up. Way more impressive than Jordan not even getting called up to the major league

  18. I feel like him being a professional basketball player is probably more relevant to him throwing a basketball accurately.

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