Canucks sign Vilmer Alriksson to a 3-year Entry Level Contract

Canucks sign Vilmer Alriksson to a 3-year Entry Level Contract

  1. You don’t see many 6’6 235 lbs guys who can skate and stickhandle the way he does, especially at 19. He’s still got a lot of development before he’ll ever be NHL ready but I can see him terrorizing the NHL in like 4 years. I was really impressed by his camp

  2. Hell yeah, he’s such a unicorn of a player. Huge guy with hands like that and decent foot speed too? What’s not to love? 

    I think he’ll be a slow cooker for sure but I do think there’s pretty massive upside in his game. Hopefully he has a monster year back in junior and continues to adapt his game. He has developed a lot in my opinion from the last time he was at camp to this year so there’s a lot of good stuff there.

  3. Myers, Sherwood, Desharnais, Garland, Alriksson in a few years?

    Oh man, we are going to be the most hated team to play against and I embrace this hatred.

  4. Everyone we’ve drafted from Sweden since Alvin has taken over seems to be impressing so far. We’re pretty close to finding out if that’s his secret power

  5. Reminds me of Lucic when he was with the Giants. Just a rare blend of size, speed, and skill. I knew nothing about him until watching him in the preseason but I’ve been impressed.

  6. I’ve been impressed by Allvin’s drafting so far. Everyone from Sweden’s been great, I think? Alriksson’s going to be a great addition to the team in a few years, nonetheless. I’d hate having to play against him

  7. I assume he’s going back to the OHL this year?

    If so, over/under on 80 points or more? He could destroy the OHL this year.

  8. So happy for the kid.

    He came a really, really long way in a short time.

    He was within striking distance of a PPG for maybe the first 15-20 games in the OHL last season, and then his play really fell off…

    …so to have him show up at camp (Young Stars and Training Camp) and show this much improvement in such a short time is really something to be *cautiously* optimistic about.

    Also, Mynio looks like he could be a nice player from that draft as well (along with Willander and Brzustewicz).

    Then there are a couple of guys that could develop into good depth players in Mueller and Celebrini as well.

    It’s nice to be able to trust our scouting staff.

  9. Alriksson was drafted out of Europe, so the Canucks could assign him to the AHL now if they wish.

    I wonder if that’s something they choose to do considering he’s 6’6” and 214 pounds. May be better for his development to play against similarly sized players.

    Part of Virtanen’s problem was he was so much bigger than his peers in junior but once he reached pro, he was just average.

  10. I hope this doesn’t mean he’s off to the AHL. He may be huge, but he had 33 points for Guelph last year. He has a ton to gain by learning how to be an offensive force at the CHL level.

    Klimovich’s development – or lack thereof – should serve as a warning here.

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