[Stephenson] PP work. Sticking with the 1A, 1B concept. 93-91-20-72 on one unit, 10-16-13-24 on the other. Point men are 23 and 79, and they are each getting reps with both units.

[Stephenson] PP work. Sticking with the 1A, 1B concept. 93-91-20-72 on one unit, 10-16-13-24 on the other. Point men are 23 and 79, and they are each getting reps with both units.

  1. Laf playing where Mika plays. I hope this is to just get the top 6 players working with each other. Specifically 20/93/91. Breaking up pp1 is a terrible mistake, just need to play pp2 more like they did the first 10 games of the season before the injuries started.

  2. I like it!

    Jones should rotate in on 1B at times. He has more of a PPQB makeup than Miller. I don’t mind Key there, though. Way better there than Troubs at least.

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