A Letter From Jerry to White Sox Fans

A Letter From Jerry to White Sox Fans

  1. I scanned for some sort of “I intend to sell the team” and when I didn’t see that, I stopped reading

  2. Blah blah blah. 

    A lot of empty words. I bet you could ask AI to write the same letter. 

    There’s absolutely nothing Jerry can say that would satisfy fans short of either “I have to decided to sell my stake in the team” or, at the very least “I have realized that I am no longer the chairman that fans deserve and have resigned my role effective immediately”. 

    Otherwise piss off with the empty words and lies. 

  3. Great prepared statement from Brooks and Scott with Jerry’s auto sig attached to it.

    Jerry’s evaluation of the free agent market: “Everyone is too expensive. No thanks.”

  4. I like how he ***very specifically*** said they will “evaluate” trade and free agent opportunities. Won’t be signing any but we’ll have a seat at the table! (doubt)

    Edit: wow I need to change my flair, this is several levels of embarrassing.

  5. “The blame starts from the top, which is why I will re evaluate everyone 2 links below me”

  6. I’m glad I only skimmed this letter only to realize how empty his words are. How about he just sells the team. While we are at it, he should sell the Bulls too and stop plaguing Chicago sports. Instead, he sits there and write these letters as if they mean anything smoking cigars like everything is all good.

    Man I wish this dude were on reddit so he could see how much we dislike him. Sell the team, fire everyone on staff and rebuild that way. That’s all there is to it.

  7. “We owe it to each and every one of you” ok sing the same tune when you threaten to move the team in the near future because you’re not getting a free new stadium

  8. **Whether said out loud or written in a statement, words are easy.**

    Yup, you’re exactly right. It’s too bad you have an 88 year track record of still thinking it’s 1990 and it’s a good ol boys club.

    Sell. The. Team.

  9. As suggested by u/Competitive_Dish_885, here’s a draft from OpenAI:

    To Our Dear White Sox Fans,
    I don’t even know where to begin. 2024 has been a year of challenges, setbacks, and, well… let’s just call it bad luck. As the owner of this beloved team, I feel your pain. I’m a human too, after all. I hear you shouting from the stands, see your posts on social media, and trust me, I’ve read your very colorful emails.

    We had high hopes for this season. We spent money (well, some), we believed in our players, and we expected greatness. Unfortunately, the results didn’t quite line up with our vision. It’s no secret – this has been the worst season in White Sox history. In fact, it might be the worst season in any professional sport, ever, but let’s not dwell on the negatives.

    Now, I understand that some of you are frustrated. Maybe you feel like we’ve let you down. Maybe you think changes need to be made. But I want to assure you, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to turn this ship around – as long as it doesn’t affect our bottom line too much. After all, I have to keep the lights on at the stadium, right?

    I’d like to pretend to take full responsibility for this season, even though, let’s be honest, it’s really the players’ fault. Or maybe the coaching staff. Or the weather. Regardless, I’m confident that with a few minor tweaks (like a new mascot or perhaps a halftime fireworks show), we’ll be back in contention in no time.

    In the meantime, we hope you’ll continue to support your Chicago White Sox by buying tickets, merchandise, and overpriced concessions. Because at the end of the day, this isn’t just about wins and losses—it’s about entertainment.

    I can already feel 2025 is going to be our year. And if not, well, there’s always next year… or the year after that… or…

    Thank you for your unwavering loyalty, even when we probably don’t deserve it. Go Sox! Or, you know, try.

    Warm regards,
    [Insert Shitty Owner’s Name]
    Owner, Chicago White Sox
    #ChangeIsComing (Probably Not)

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