Let’s play a game of “guess the Kraken player from their NHL25 game rendering”

I saw the photos in a Twitter thread from @BTWSEA and was inspired. Here's the link, but don't click it if you don't want spoilers!

I'll post each of the player images in the comments – try to guess who is who 😂

  1. Oh my God these are all awful 😂😂😂 After seeing the Gru one I’m almost afraid to ask if Driedger is in the game or not 😂 probably not cause he was in the AHL last season. I just. Poor Gru 😂 Poor Matty!

  2. Funny as this all is, the truly horrible ones I think are due to them not having face scans. I could totally be wrong though. If only they’d put out a PC release we could fix all of these lol

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