Well fellas, here we go.

Well fellas, here we go.

  1. We all knew we would be in the playoffs. As hardcore fans, we’re sweating… We’re sweating just because we just want to get past the first round. Period. If by some plan of talent and action we do make it to the NLCS: That’s already a huge win and success. If we get into the World Series (which is insurmountably difficult to do), then we’re in the dream. If we win the World Series, we’re living this dream

  2. I’m a Mariners fan cheering for the Dodgers for the first time this year. I have no idea what to feel.

  3. I get it. Only 1 in 30 teams will win the World Series. Fans are giving up on their team and taking the 29/30 odds so that you later can say “see!!! I was right!!”.

    I don’t see how that makes you a “hard core” fan though. To me it looks soft like charmin taking the easy way out.


  4. Dude i just feel this so hard. We got alot of bandwagon fans this season for very obvious reasons. No losing faith or focus right now either. It’s that time of year again.. let’s make this one epic!!!

  5. I think everyone knows what they’re getting themselves into at this point. God help us!

  6. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m optimistic about the playoffs. Kershaw (he’s not that guy) not being in the rotation puts my mind at ease.

    This team has been in playoff mode for the last month. No starter goes 6+ Innings, bullpen stretch to its limits. Hitting has been present consistently throughout the lineup.

    The bullpen conditioning itself to do beyond what is asked with spot starts and covering multiple innings, that’s the playoffs. Most teams would be lucky to have their starters go 6 innings, but most of the time the bullpen has to hold it down. And no other team has had to adapt their bullpen into as many starters as the Dodgers.

    Hell, I think we might have our 8th & 9th inning guys in Edgardo Henriquez and Kopech. And I like Daniel Hudson, Treinen, and Vesia setting up the innings leading to them.

    And if Flaherty, Yamamoto, Buehler, and Knack can give 6 quality innings, I think we’ll be okay.

    I think the Dodgers are primed for a good run.

  7. If you were a hardcore Dodgers fan then you would know this….

    5-3 NLDS; 3-2 NLCS; 1-2 WS (Would be 2-1 but got cheated)

    So “diehard” why don’t you tell me more about how terrible it is that our postseason success almost perfectly matches our regular seasons?

    Edit: This is just the current Dave Roberts run since 2016

  8. Is it asking too much for Shohei to pitch a perfect game in Game 7 of the World Series and hit 5 HRs in the same game?

  9. Been a hardcore dodgers fan since 2016 and i am not ready because the dodgers was the reason my sleep schedule got fuck up so bad

  10. This year will be different…….. Right? I’m right, right? Please someone tell me it will be different.

  11. Bro I’ve been in the mud this year. Injury after injury. I went to a game where they blew a lead in the 8th. Saw Kershaw pitch and then he blew out his toe. Homie couldn’t afford a toectomy. Yoshi got injured and then Mookie. Then Glasnow took his shirt off and so did Kershaw. Max Muncy threw his back out and he got better when he saw a different chiropractor. Then Stone got injured and then u thought Ryan would come through clutch and he went down. Then Roberts was somehow Japanese. Then Shohei got a dog. Most charming dog in the world. I’ve been through the mud. But we made it.

  12. Ts and Ps to the fans ohtani brought over if they thought what they’ve seen so far is dooming

  13. This is the first year where I have no idea who will make it to the World Series. Every team has a weakness. Every team has a chance to get hot or go cold. I thought it would be the Dodgers in the WS last 2 and look what happened – bounced in the first round. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Understand the game is completely out of our control and you’ll have a better time watching each game.

  14. I swear some fans would be happier if we missed the playoffs a few times in our current run.

    I’ve lived in Seattle for the past 5 years. I’ve seen what cheering for an actually disappointing franchise looks like up close. They and pretty much every team in the MLB would trade their fortunes for ours.

    I have am excited to see this team October. The team is really good…they’re the best team in baseball this year. If they don’t win the championship oh well. I know they’ll get another crack in October next year. What a special place to be as a fan.

  15. I’m going to make a confession. I was a high school student in 1988…and I was so nervous during the Kirk Gibson AB that I changed the channel…turned it back to see him rounding the bases.

    every postseason since then has been that kind of suspense and gut-wrenching turmoil…every Kersh battle, Baez fuckup, ct3 HR, crazy game ending throws to the OF, offensive futility.

    and I can’t wait to do it all over again. bring it on!! let the postseason begin. it’s a great time to be alive!!!!

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