[Nightengale] The Arizona Diamondbacks will come to the ballpark today with their suitcases packed for a week, watch two baseball games on TV, and sit around wondering whether they’ll be popping champagne, flying to Milwaukee, or driving home and unpacking their bags for a long winter.

[Nightengale] The Arizona Diamondbacks will come to the ballpark today with their suitcases packed for a week, watch two baseball games on TV, and sit around wondering whether they’ll be popping champagne, flying to Milwaukee, or driving home and unpacking their bags for a long winter.

  1. This poor team. If the Mets take game 1, they have to watch the NL Cy Young pitch against the mets bench team and hope they win.

    The staff will have to set up the playoff clinch room with champagne and everything. And it may not even happen. Potential not a fun day. If you’re a dbacks fan or player, you absolutely have to be cheering for the braves to win game 1, right?

    Either way, it doesn’t look too good. The odds these teams split the series have to be around 80%

  2. Fun day for those of us with no stress levels to worry about.

    Mets, Braves and Diamondbacks fans… not so fun.

  3. Diamondback fans, which team are you rooting to win game one? Meaning, which team I suppose is more likely to be swept if they lose game one as opposed to ending up with a split?

  4. I’m praying for a split between the Mets and Braves, praying we get to play the Mets again.

  5. praying that a second freak hurricane forms in tempe and kills me so I don’t have to find out what will happen

  6. Are they really not better off just flying to Milwaukee early today anyway?

    The potential lost travel money and travel time seems like small potatoes in the grand scheme of an MLB season, especially considering the possible benefits of being there earlier if they do get to play in the wildcard.

  7. As a Mets fan, I’m going through it today BUT at least my team is directly affected by their own actions today. Can’t imagine DBacks fans who literally don’t have the faintest clue what’s going on until tonight

  8. Who are Dbacks fans rooting for in game 1? Does it really matter? Maybe the Braves since they are the home team (so theoretically slightly higher chance of pulling off the sweep due to HFA)? Mets winning G1 would mean Sale going G2, which probably isn’t optimal for their chances.

  9. I’m in a similar boat, turning on the games at 1 pm, packed a bag to go from my home office to my tv room. Not sure if I’ll be celebrating a great year, or consuming the beers I sheepishly got from my Westside Market at 1030 am while thinking of the “long winter” lol

  10. I honestly don’t feel much pressure. I gave up on playoff hopes when this team blew the 8-0 lead in Milwaukee. The Diamondbacks had so many chances to make the playoffs and failed pretty miserably. I’m hoping for a sweep today, but not expecting it.

  11. How Steelers fans felt in 2021 if Big Ben would retire because the Chargers and Raiders could tie and screw them out of the postseason.

  12. What would you all say would be the most surprising outcome from today? I’d say it’s a Mets sweep: NY and Arizona advance and the Braves are done.

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