The duality of the media covering the Giants and Jets

No i'm not fucking saying Jones is as good as Rodgers but when Jones has a pretty ok game and the Giants lose a close one to a much better Cowboys team he gets dumped on. Ok fine. When Rodgers has a worse game than Jones and the Jets a "Super Bowl contender" put up less points and lose to a Broncos team thats supposed to be at the bottom of the league, surely it can't be Aaron Rodgers' fault lol. At least we don't think we're winning the Super Bowl on this side of Metlife

  1. Aaron Rodgers being a walk-in HoFer as one of the best QBs ever and Daniel Jones being a bottom of the league starter might have something to do with that. One is going to get a lot more leeway.

    Also, The Athletic and “GiantsWire” are two very different quality publications.

  2. Make no fucking mistake that the Jets are getting raked over the coals over yesterday’s loss. I feel better as a Giants fan right now that an I would a Jets one, that was an all-time embarrassing loss.

    Piling on Jones is just low hanging fruit, it’s cheap and unproductive.

  3. Jones is obviously not as good as Rodgers, but these last 3 weeks I think it’s very obvious Jones has played better than Rodgers and anyone who can’t admit that is just letting a bias affect their view

  4. A lot of DJ success, in terms of stats, from this week is because of the receivers ability to make great catches and create an excessive amount of space. He’s been playing better every week, but he’s not a good qb.

  5. Yeah having watched that jets game. There was several occasions of WRs not being where Aaron expected them. His own O-line false starting constantly because he does the hard count thing a lot. Looked pretty bad.

  6. There’s no argument that dj played better than arod this week. The truth of the matter lays within the potential ceiling of each player. Clearly arods ceiling is multi mvp sb winning. Djs ceiling? Well it was the game we just watched vs Dallas lol

  7. The race to be the kindest talked about terrible team continues. I really dig the positivity and aura coming off the fanbases cope. It’s inspiring and really what a fan of the franchise likes the team for.

    The new, NY Giants are no longer about winning games and being champions. It’s about being pampered and how we can be better people by accepting more subpar play from our multi-million dollar man Danny “March of Dimes” Jones… “eww eww but Bryce Young..”. The same one we had to pay because we didn’t give him the money to hand the ball off to the best player on the team at the time who had already carried Jones the years prior.

    Aaron Rodgers does not play for the NY Giants

  8. Hall of Fame 20 year vet vs 6 year overpaid glorified backup obviously one is going to get more grace lmao

  9. Part of the problem is posts like this, blind fans still trying to make D Jones experiment “come right.”

  10. Are we really pretending that the media coddles the JETS? Mocking the Jets (deservedly) is one of the media’s go to moves.

  11. yeah one fanbase thinks theres a surefire top 10 qb waiting for them, the other is just happy to have a qb

  12. I don’t understand why anyone would take the jets franchise seriously….. they won the third superbowl then proceeded to commit to being shit from there on forward

  13. People are missing the point of the title. It’s not that his stats are too good and the jets don’t deserve it lmao, that’s stupid as hell. Can’t read the article but I imagine it has to do with the complicated offense and cadences he sets, and the young jets D isn’t ready for it at all, hence all the miscues.

  14. Rodgers looked straight trash against Denver, too. The stats dont even tell the whole story. Jones couldn’t complete passes over 20 yards? Rodgers couldn’t complete passes less than 10 yards. Garrett Wilson is almost as good as Malik, and Rodgers can’t get him the ball. One play Wilson was going vertical for a big play, and Rodgers just throws the ball into the turf a couple yards behind him.

  15. Let’s be honest: if the jets had anyone not named Aaron Rodgers the doom posting would be a lot more but bc they have Rodgers everyone will assume they’ll be fine. And by fine I mean 8-9 and still miss the playoffs

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