All-22 Hurts fumble.

All-22 Hurts fumble.

  1. So what im seeing is no check down. Longer developing route. Hurts needs to learn to feel the pressure more.

  2. Had an easy TD over the middle IF there wasn’t immediate pressure up the middle. Trying to pick up a blitzing David with a HB just isn’t going to work.

    That has to be worked out at LOS or LG needs to have awareness of where the more immediate threat is.

  3. Saquon with the great blitz pick up but no fast developing route or check down. Also two receivers in the same area at the back of the endzone smh

  4. Dude treated the blitzer like he was being handled by a lineman instead of by a RB. He had an easy 10 yards if he just stepped up and ran through the front of the pocket.

  5. Man, this is just a poor play design.

    When Hurts hits his last step in the drop-back, NONE of the routes are even close to complete. Three deep routes, nothing underneath the LB coverage, no outlet to an RB. It looks as if the TE could be finding a soft spot in the zone, but it would be a tight window over the LB and between two safeties.

    That is just begging for an INT. Why is the call for an immediate TD and not just to gain some yards underneath? As much as this is on Jalen for not feeling the pressure after the initial escape, there is just nowhere for him to go. This feels like lazy coaching from back in the Cunningham days – expecting the athletic QB to figure it out and scramble for yards, instead of giving him some help.

    TB blitzes the shit out of the Birds every game of the last 5 fucking games, and at NO POINT has Sirianni or any coordinator given Hurts any help. Coaching malpractice.

  6. Man I recall while watching the game noticing Dickerson get cooked a couple times, this may be the worst example of all. Blocks literally nobody, the least he could’ve done is fall on the fumble he helped cause.

    It’s wild he’s getting paid almost $10M more per year than Saquon, it should be the other way around in terms of positional pay in the NFL lol

  7. I’m not even hating. Hurts had Temu receivers. He was trying to make something happen out of nothing especially because our D was getting blown apart. I say we direct our hate towards Huff. The most impactful players we have on D is the oldest in BG and the rook.

  8. Every route was a go or a deep post. Had one lazy out route. Nothing crossing, nothing underneath to hold the LB’s to even make the throw to the TE seam easier. TERRIBLE play design.

  9. I’ll admit I’m not a X’s and O’s guy, but what the fuck is Dickerson doing here

  10. Seems like he took way too long to get his feet set after he ducked the pressure. He took a hop before planting his feet that made him a full second late on the release. IDK if it’s just lack of urgency or poor footwork.

    On the brightside, one of Jalen’s main criticisms is not being comfy in the pocket and bailing too early. On this play it seems like he was ready to pitch a lawn chair and pop open a beer in there. To his detriment.


  11. Idk who it is but there’s someone who looks kinda open early on in the play (once hurts has the ball and is planted) to the right on a kinda flat route (Goedert?). Once you see the blitz can’t you throw to him? It seems safe to throw for the sideline over the defender?

    I’m not super experienced in strategy but this seems good to me.

  12. 1. Really good blitz by one of the best blitzing LBs of all time. Absolutely no indication that he’s coming until right before the snap and he is able to get right to Saquon (who makes a good block) and finishes with hustle.

    2. This is ultimately on the o-line and Hurts. Dickerson basically is standing around with nothing to do while Saquon is fighting for his life. That means the protection/awareness was not up to par. I don’t know enough to say this definitely isn’t on Jalen but I don’t know how he could have known he was coming. I think Dickerson has to recognize this sooner. Obviously the first down blitz caught us off guard.

    3. As Jalen said in his presser, he had a man (Calcaterra) wide open (for NFL standards) over the middle for a TD. The irony is I believe if no one was open Hurts would have looked to scramble or protect the ball and go down. He knew he had a guy open, knew he had a defender behind him, and tried to get the pass off before he was sacked. He rolled the dice and came up snake eyes.

    4. I don’t think this is poor ball security. The fumbles will look the same in the stat sheet but I thought last week’s fumble was way more egregious. Here he’s just stripped while he’s throwing which is a fumble for any QB. Last week he was running in traffic as if he wasn’t in traffic.

  13. Jesus Dickerson. Had Calc but couldn’t throw it with David in his face. Should have taken off after avoiding David though.

  14. Dickerson just standing there man, they rush 4 and you got fooled. If that blitz was picked up properly this was a TD.

  15. By the time the middle route is open he’s already avoiding that sack. If he threw it earlier there’s two players underneath who can pick off that route. Combination of no hot read, failed pass protection, and Hurts not checking out of the play if reading the defense pre-snap.

  16. With Jalen taking over blocking schemes, do you think it’s affecting his decisions, or hurting the o-line on not maybe picking up the correct people blitzing. I’ve also noticed that with that, the play clock is always running down to 2 or 3 seconds. If I was any defense playing against the eagles I would key of that.

  17. Barkley has to block better, Fucking Dickerson could have made life a lot easier on him. Who gives a fuck about the fumble Hurts has a TD disrupted by immediate pressure and still trying to make the play, result sucks but process/decision making on his fine on Hurts part

  18. Watch the stickers on his helmet. They lock onto one target, and stay there. If I can pick this up, any defender on any team can pick this up.

    Why isn’t he asking for help reading defenses?

    Why isn’t he asking for help going through progressions?

    Why aren’t the coaches of *our* team recognizing this and helping him?

    How are people seriously saying there’s not a problem with him *and* the coaches all the way up to Nick?

  19. How was the post route so open one the WR at the top of the screen, no hot routes. Uggh, another wasted season.

  20. If it was an inexcusable fumble, but the play looks like the same junk from last year, a blitz comes, and all the receivers aren’t looking for the ball, nothing hot, nothing easy.

  21. As much as I still think Jalen isn’t playing well, the more I look at this play, the less blame i give to Jalen.

    First of all, this isn’t technically a blitz. This was a disguised 4 man rush. The line should’ve picked this up easily. And even though Saquon picked up the free man, Dickerson should’ve help out more with a chip, and not just stand there.
    Second of all, why are there only long developing plays. No short check downs. Something for Jalen to quickly throw to. I don’t like this play at all/

    Third of all, even though I don’t like the play. Grant actually was open. So I think Jalen was just passing the the open man. (The only open man, which is why I don’t like this play)

    Finally, Lavonte David is just a really good player.

    While I agree that Jalen needs to have better pocket awareness, this O-line and play design are also at fault with this fumble.

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