A message from Buster Posey

A message from Buster Posey

  1. Already feels so different. Imagine the players will have a much easier time buying in with Posey leading the way rather than Farhan

  2. Seriously considering getting a custom #28 jersey with “Mr. President” as the name. 😀

  3. Nice message. I can only hope that somehow Farhan’s presence was somehow affecting the clubhouse and morale because of philosophy as much as everyone assumes it does. I don’t think he got the job done but I also don’t think he was a factor good or bad in why we didn’t get big names or how the team played on the field. The big names used us as leverage and the players that did sign I can’t imagine we’re being coached differently because of Farhan but who knows. Here’s to a new era though. Hope they can start to rebuild and be the big market team they are.

  4. It definitely seems like Buster is trying to have a more relatable relationship with the fans. Making the connection rather than just being an organizational bigwig. Obviously easier to do because he’s a franchise legend but it definitely seems like they realize there was a disconnect with the fanbase and community under Farhan.

  5. The bay area is so lucky. We got Frank Gore, Steph Curry, Buster Posey and Brandon Crawford their entire career. (I know Crawford and Gore left at the end, but they are Bay Area Legends.)

  6. 1. Pablo Sandoval got snubbed.

    2. Put Posey’s jersey back in the fucking dugout store.

    3. I’m so fucking ready for Giants baseball.

  7. Sentiments great but I’m reserving judgement til I see some good baseball moves. Giants fans so dang nostalgic

  8. Buster is super passionate about this city and franchise, and most importantly, the fans; if there’s anyone connected to this organization that deserves a shot at trying their best to turn things around, it’s this man. He’s making some personal sacrifices to take this role on i’m sure, and I thoroughly believe he wouldn’t even be trying if he didn’t think he could make a positive difference.

  9. ![gif](giphy|QtoG24OvehcYUhf7mI|downsized)

    Genuinely excited for the future of the giants now.

  10. Man, this puts a tear in my eye. I just hope he doesn’t Vlade his legacy a little. (Kings fans will know that reference)

  11. Heard this point earlier and it’s a good one. Why is he taking the job? He doesn’t need the money. Not only did he make millions playing he did even better with his Body Armor investment. He’s not doing it cuz Kristen Posey wants him out the house cuz he’s driving her nuts being home. I’m sure she would rather him be home helping raise 4 kids. He’s not doing it cuz he wants all the publicity and fame and accolades. Thats never been Posey. He took the job because he literally loves and cares about the giants so munch and it hurt too bad to watch the franchise flounder and lose its shine. He literally is doing it because he loves the giants and wants them to be as successful as possible. Like Greg Johnson said, when a guy like Buster says give me the ball, you give it to him.

  12. I’m very excited about this, can’t wait to see what he can do. I feel like it’s going to be easier to sign the big players now, everyone has so much respect for him.

  13. He’s a good friend, so happy for the guy. He’s goose though.


  14. As a Giants fan since the 1960s, I am thrilled that the Giants hired Buster Posey as the President of Baseball Operations. I am confident Buster Posey will hire smart people, and will help make the Giants World Series champions again.

  15. Dear Buster: No explanation needed. I trust you. Always have. Best of luck. Take care.

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