Holy shit our last 8 games are BRUTAL

Holy shit our last 8 games are BRUTAL

  1. Tough stretch but if ya wanna be the best, ya gotta beat the best.

    NFC North is a stacked conference and it isn’t going to get any easier.

  2. Which means put up or shut up time for Eberflus. Go at least .500 days in this stretch and he may be able to keep his job assuming the team’s done well enough in the easier stretch before.

  3. We’re in the best division in football. Iron sharpens iron. Hopefully Caleb will be much more comfortable by then.

  4. Still a lot of season ahead of this – offense needs to make gradual progress and the D can still tighten the clamps a bit more.

    But health and injuries are going to play a role – we’ve still got a friendly schedule in terms of rest advantage and a fairly young squad.

  5. 6 of those are our own division

    If we want to be serious about making the postseason, we should have no problem going 5-1 or 4-2 for that

  6. It won’t look that daunting by the time we get there if we continue to improve as we have been. 49ers don’t look near as difficult as they have the past few years. Seahawks have decent offense but we should be able to move the ball on them. And we always play division rivals tough, especially Detroit.

  7. Fuck the NFL for giving Chicago two instances of back to back divisional games in 5 day spans.

  8. If we played any of those teams next week, sure. But a lot can happen between now and then that can change the outlook of these games. Players and teams get hot and cold, key players get injured.

    Disclaimer – not rooting for injuries!

  9. We get the first 9 games to figure out our offense and then we get to decide our own fate for the playoffs by playing all our division games. This is as good of a schedule as we could have asked for tbh.

  10. Are you just tuning in? Our schedule is cake the first half. Most of our expected wins are now

  11. I see at least 3/4 wins here. Packers, Seahawks and Vikings at Soldier and maybe one on the road. 🐻⬇️

  12. Get to 6 wins before that stretch and then hope for 3-5 or 4-4 and see where the wildcard slots land

    Hard to pick which specific games we win but maybe 2 home division games and then steal one of the other 5

  13. If the Bears go 4-1 in their next 5 games against Carolina, Jacksonville, Washington, Arizona, and New England. then they’ll be 6-3 going into this stretch.

    Then, we just hope that this team has figured out some of their issues and that they’re decently healthy. If they can go 2-6 to finish the year, then it’s an 8-9 season, which is disappointing but fine as long as Caleb keeps progressing. If they go 3-5, then they’ll finish 9-8 and most fans would say that they met expectations. If they go 4-4 or better, then they’re going to the playoffs and we’d be ecstatic.

    It’s the NFL man, winning is hard.

  14. This is the best the NFC North has ever looked in my life. We better make sure we’re locked in with the right coaching staff to compete for the future. Right now it feels like Flus is nowhere close to the other 3 HCs in the division. Those 6 games as we close out the year will be very telling. If Poles is serious about taking the North and never giving it back, he better weigh the results of those games heavily.

  15. Personally I think we steal a game from Minnesota, Detroit, and Seattle. It’ll come down to if we can steal another from the NFCN or win against the Packers to be .500

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