[Marc Dumont] Montreal Canadiens Logically Adopt ‘Take No Prisoners’ Attitude

[Marc Dumont] Montreal Canadiens Logically Adopt ‘Take No Prisoners’ Attitude

  1. I am in agreement with sticking up for your teammates, but when it is over the top and is causing a ridiculous amount of penalties and in turn goals against then it has to be a more toned down approach. This does add to the rivalry with Toronto and Ottawa, just hope Montreal comes out on top this season against these bums, Ottawa especially since I can’t stand loud mouth Tkachuk.

  2. I am all for it.

    As a fan, I’m just sick of the injuries and careless runs at our players. Seeing Laine get taken out in a nothing game from a nothing player was brutal – to think he almost missed the full year, would have been sad for a player that just reignited his passion for hockey. This is the most excited I’ve been about a new Habs player.

    Then seeing Dachs cheapshot, after coming off a full year from injuries. Just gut wrenching.

    I imagine the players feel exactly the same way. Dirty, reckless players need to be held accountable for their actions. A 2 minute penalty isn’t enough in exchange for taking out one of our players long term.

    It’s also funny seeing the other fanbases dramatic reactions. They’re acting like Xhekaj is doing something criminal, and they turn a blind eye to what leads up to his actions. If their players were put in the same situations as ours, they’d be just as happy to see another player stand up for theirs.

  3. Is playing dirty and going hit for hit a team like the Habs should be doing tho? I feel with our injury luck we won’t win this type of war

  4. I get the sentiment because it’s true that the Habs have been picked on and picked for years. I remember that game in Boston (the one when Price fought Thomas) and the guys were getting beat up in every fight (except Pouliot vs Krejci). Then that series vs Ottawa (the Gryba hit on Eller) also was a beatdown and it directly lead to the drafting of Michael McCarron. It was all dispiriting to know the team couldn’t really pushback against bullying.


    People have to temper expectations. Having one sheriff doesn’t pacify a town. Case in point: Xhekaj went after Paré and the very next game Greig still hit Dach high.

    It takes more than 1 guy. You need overwhelming, inescapable force. It’s a simple numbers’ game: in a war of attrition, you need more guys than the other team. So that when your fighters and their fighters are all in the sin bin or ejected, you still have more and they don’t. Simple as that.

    The collective mindset is a good first step. It’s still just a first step. Cleaning up the bottom of the lineup and replacing most of the calm tourists with fit young energetic guys *who can also play hockey* would go a long way toward establishing a more pacifying force.

  5. This is the right attitude. Take no prisoners , finish in last place . The perfect Montreal Canadiens season.

  6. Given all the man games lost to injury it makes sense to start drawing a line in the sand. Goes back to the Price injury against the Rangers. 

  7. I’m on board with overall team toughness, but paradoxically I’m also concerned about Slaf’s apparent careless embrace of this team mentality all while suffering from a couple of concussions since his draft year (not excluding when he got rocked last week against the leafs). I get that he thrives partly because of his confidence (also he’s huge and talented), but I think the guy needs to be more careful. The team needs him dialed in.

  8. I think the nhl needs to figure out preseason and address dangerous plays with some actual teeth. They also need to deal with ref’s that fuck up major calls.

    This isn’t about the habs, it’s about Paul karyia, cam neely and a ton of other players that had careers cut short.

    Fighting is great, hits are awesome, blindsided, dangerous late hits will just cost us some of the nhls best players.

  9. The Habs are oversensitive. That’s understandable, given their recent history – but it’s still not a good thing to be. It leads to escalation. More fights. More dirty hits. More ejections, more fines, and probably suspensions. And inevitably more injuries.

    I hope the Mont Tremblant retreat allows them to shift gears, mentally. Take the chip off their shoulder and focus on clean, effective hockey.

  10. My theory is that a lot of these older coach were alive during the Habs reign over the league so they have something personal against our team

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