The Panthers are Good Luck Chuck for QBs

There I was, trying to go to sleep when I heard a spooky voice whisper, "Baker Mayfield is an elite quarterback."

Seeing him and Darnold start career years has crystallized what our franchise has become. We're here to help other teams find the one <3 Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. We're Good Luck Chuck.

Here's the movie for all you youngsters.

We're the last stop for washed up QBs on their way to their soulmate franchise. But I don't know how we'll break the curse or where it came from.

The only hint I have is maybe we should do something besides replace the most athletic QB of all time (Cam) with the least athletic QB of all time (Bryce) and wonder how we got here.

But for now, we can play the field, never settle down, and leave it up to fate. And if you think Andy Dalton is good now, just wait until he's with the Titans.

  1. Neither Baker or Darnold are winning a SB. Sure they’re winning games and playing well, but ultimately there are bigger sharks out there and they’ll just be good enough to never be great.

    I’d rather be the Panthers. I’m confident the office dogs and Coach Canales will find the guy in the next couple years.

  2. Clearly we are good at spotting potential, now turning the potential into something better….. Who’s the QB coach again?

  3. Darnold had an extremely hot start with us too. That’s what he does. He starts off extremely well and then starts to do, well, Darnold stuff. If he’s playing like this in Week 10, then we can talk.

  4. “Baker mayfield is an elite qb” says everything you need to know about this post lol

    He’s not even a top 10 qb

  5. Baker and Sam had their chances while they were here. You could make the case that Baker was miss handled, but Sam had plenty of opportunities and he was terrible for most of them.

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