[Blake Murphy] The Raptors did not use their mid-level exception, which basically means they have a $12.8-million trade exception to utilize during the year.

[Blake Murphy] The Raptors did not use their mid-level exception, which basically means they have a $12.8-million trade exception to utilize during the year.

  1. > The Raptors are also an estimated $11-12 million below the luxury tax line (before unlikely bonuses) and only have 14 guaranteed contracts. That gives them a lot of flexibility in trade season, either to pick up assets in a salary dump from a luxury tax team, to help facilitate a larger multi-team deal by eating salary, or just to make their own trades easier to execute.

  2. Masai about to pull another Jalen McDaniels esque heist confirmed 😤

    (I’m expecting and would be totally happy with 2 high end 2nds and a struggling prospect)

  3. Could be a big asset for a middle man for 2 teams against the 2nd apron that can’t take on any salary at all. There will be a high demand for these teams in the future as almost any team trying to go for the title will be making trades at the deadline in need of a 3rd team.

  4. As a Toronto sports fan and watching the jays and leafs “fail” at rebuilds (though the jays truly did, the leafs are still good but just can’t win in the playoffs) it’s incredibly refreshing to see Masai do a proper rebuild. Tear down, maximize what assets you can get (could argue we should’ve gotten more for siakam), develop a young cohesive core you believe in (Scottie, IQ, RJ) and fill out with flexibility over a span of a few years instead of trying to push/rush things. Even if it doesn’t work out/they don’t become elite the process should be fun!

  5. It’s actually tough to use this. It would be a package of the trade exception + Bruce Brown most likely, but the good teams that would want Brown don’t have a matching bad $35M contract.

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