Is this good?

Is this good?

  1. Why would they start this data at week 14 of 2022? A better way to display this data would be like average number of 110+ QB rating games per starts.

  2. Yeah, but the thing is, he was the last pick in the draft you see. So no, he can’t possibly be an elite quarterback. That would make people that undervalued him look foolish, and we can’t have any of that.

  3. I never seen a face more like Patty’s with his dumbass tongue that I wanted to punch

  4. Mahomes don’t usually put a great performance in numbers but the guy sometimes wins games alone

  5. nah, not at all. in fact this just even more proves he is a system game manager qb that cant do NOTHING (not even tie his shoes) without first hearing Kyle or Brian Griese whisper it into his ear

  6. Yes and no.

    Qb rating is kind of a dumb system. Almost arbitrary because it adds zero context to the numbers. Like , how many times have we seen a qb have a high ass passer rating but his team lost 35-21 and the 14 of the 21 points came in the 4th when the other team was playing prevent.

    However, in general I think it at least gives a good starting point. If your qb has a high rating over the course of the entire year and your team has a good record, the qb was probably a big reason why.

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