[Buha] JJ Redick said the Lakers executed their one-through-four switching “less than 10 percent of the time” despite drilling down on it in practices and their pregame meeting. “Like, am I not making this clear? Is it something I’m doing?”

Reporter: You talked about giving yourself grace. I'm curious, when you emphasize something like screening and body angles and it goes poorly, were you able to give yourself grace last night? Did you sleep all right?

Reddick: I think the thing I was most disappointed with was our one-through-four reds, which is our switching. I just was really disappointed. We didn't execute that at all. Like, we maybe executed it less than 10 percent of the time. It's something we've drilled and it was very clear in the pregame meeting that that's what we were doing. So you certainly question, like, am I not making this clear? Is it something I'm doing?

Reporter: Were you hard on yourself last night?

Reddick: A little bit. A little bit. But again, we talked about it this morning in our film session. We're all on the same page.

Source: Jovan Buha

  1. Oh he’s frustrated with the team now, but once Bron Sr gets frustrated with him, dearie me.

  2. JJ will have some really really bad quotes if the Lakers are losing. These are one of those if you’re winning it’s whatever but if you’re losing it’s a really really bad look

  3. jj tha goat i dont give a fuck

    they’re gonna hang this fucker when the lakers start losing tho

  4. I actually really like this quote from JJ. It’s a good thing to consider the possibility that *you* might be the problem. None of us are in the practices so we’re not privy to the facts but if you want a team to buy into accountability, you have to be open to the fact that you might be at fault too.

  5. So is he going to coach his team through the media?

    ESPN might as well do a TV deal with him

  6. Dude, you were hired because of your relationship with LeBron.  Not because a roster full of NBA players respect your coaching acumen. You’ll be fired sooner or later. Just relax and hit that bong you used to fire up at Duke.

  7. Am I the only one who’s seeing that last part of the question (did you sleep alright?) as prompting him to play into it a bit with what was used as the headline here?

    Like the dude asked him if he gave himself grace after the game and ended the question a little facetiously. He then gave an example of him being hard on himself.

  8. “…were you able to give yourself grace last night?” WTF is this, pop-psychoanalysis?

  9. No point in having a coach with lebron around as he is a player coach and thinks he knows more then anyone. To much of an ego.

  10. It’s nice to hear that he’s actually serious about coaching and how he wants them to play. I feel that Darvin Ham won’t even understand what is happening here.

  11. Drilling things down and adapting them in game especially the first pre-season game is two different things. If his approach is bashing his players for not implementing something in one game, there’s going to be problems. Expecting players to adapt something straight away in a real game time scenario is absurd. Everybody knows a system/scheme takes quite a bit of games to perfect. Drilling is not the same as real nba games.

  12. Got the popcorn ready for JJ’s mid season meltdown.

    Also ready for him to tell us how we “don’t understand basketball” when we complain about the lakers missing the playoffs.

  13. The best coach I ever had wasn’t afraid to be harsh on the players, and also wasn’t afraid to be harsh on himself.

    We were down 40-0 or something similar at half time in the first Rugby match of the season, and we got in the huddle for him to talk to us. He walked into the center of the team, and said to all of us:

    “Normally I’d tell the team to get back out there and do themselves proud, but that was dreadful. If I don’t see something better this half, I’ll walk into the chairman’s office and quit as soon as the match ends. I don’t want to be a part of a team who thinks playing like that is acceptable”

    We didn’t end up winning, but the opposition didn’t score the second half, and we scored 20 something, and he’s still the coach to this day. He knew when he was the problem, and he knew when the players were the problem. The trouble with NBA coaches is they’re used as the scapegoats when things go bad. Teams under 0.500, knee jerk reaction is to fire the coach. In reality, the coaches game plan could be perfect, it’s just the players don’t put the work in to carry it out, and then a different coach is brought in to repeat the cycle. Reddick will probably fall into the same trap

  14. Self Accountability was seriously lacking under Ham. He would rarely if ever take the blame on himself for not preparing the team better.

  15. I forgot what it’s like to have a real coach. Glad “we just gotta play harder” is gone.

  16. I remember during the Raptors’ championship run, Reddick described the Raptors switching to his interviewer as “almost telepathic”.

    I guess it’s got to be practice. Playing with the same guys for years. Don’t really see any shortcuts to this.

  17. I foresee this not being the last discussion regarding a JJ media clip this season. Call me crazy

  18. Lakers should be happy.

    You guys aren’t going to figure it out on day 1. Accountability and questioning methods is a good thing.

    In order to be great, you have to put in the work, both coaches and players. You need a leader that’s not afraid to light a fire under your ass while taking the scrutiny.

    Also Reddit needs to go play team sport or something competitive with teammates. Y’all soft as cat diarrhea.

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