[Radio] Love tests the Rams in triple coverage. Somehow gets the ball through to Reed who makes the catch at the 2

[Radio] Love tests the Rams in triple coverage. Somehow gets the ball through to Reed who makes the catch at the 2

[Radio] Love tests the Rams in triple coverage. Somehow gets the ball through to Reed who makes the catch at the 2
byu/Fear_Jaire inGreenBayPackers

  1. As great of a throw as this was, I don’t think he should have attempted this throw. If that DB plays that better, that’s an interception.

  2. My take to a friend yesterday was the pick 6 was not nearly as bad as people are saying, and this play wasn’t nearly as great. It’s a perfect throw, but it gets defended 9 times out of 10 (at least) and could easily be picked. This isn’t one of those safe throws where only one guy could get to it.

  3. As much as I love seeing a play like this actually converted, I really hope Matt reins in Jordan just a LITTLE bit this week…

  4. Watching that last shot of the all-22 – if Bo* takes that up the sideline he makes the safety have to commit to one of them and based on coverage he probably goes to Toure, making this a bit more open

    Hell of throw, hell of a catch. GPG

  5. I think I went through 10 different emotions watching this live in the 3 seconds after the ball left his hand lol

  6. Look at how open Melton was.

    This is a Rex Grossman “fuck it im going deep” throw

  7. I’m sorry, that is not a smart throw. He had the dude at about the 30 that was wide open. Love didn’t look anywhere else in the field besides to Reed. As someone who is a little concerned about his decision making in general, I don’t think this was a good one.

  8. This is a perfect example of a horrible throw that went right but should have never been attempted. Love’s decision making and throws have been concerning lately to be honest.

  9. With 3 defenders all getting carried up field, he had a perfectly open player at the 35 yard line running across, no one in front of him. Would have been a far safer and higher percentage throw. Hopefully on film study they review this and in the future he aims for that.

  10. something like 60 yards in the air, 35 to the 5? sheeeesh. Reckless throw, but obviously happy with the outcome.

  11. Seems like a frustrating call for listeners. Takes them forever to explain what was so exceptional about the play. They’re quicker to mention the crowd noise than the precision or coverage.

  12. I channeled my inner Lou Brown when I saw this play. “Nice throw Love, don’t ever fucking do it again.”

  13. Idk why but love just lobbing it like that is a breath of fresh air compared to Rodgers conservative play is it wreckless? Yes. Is it fun to watch ? Also yes.

  14. I hate this title. “Tests” the defense.

    Should be “Makes bad decision, throws tight spiral, gets REALLY lucky”

  15. When he threw the ball, it wasn’t into triple coverage. Even when Reed caught it, there wasn’t three Rams near him, just two.

  16. I was there and saw this live. The stadium went nuts! Crowd was mostly Packers fans.

  17. Jordan just doesnt give a fuck and I love it. Way more willing to chuck it deep than Aaron. Good mix of Favre and Rodgers playstyle and I’m all for it.

  18. Great throw. Great catch. Absolutely awful decision.

    As cool as this is, it’s for sure a bad omen. Jordan you need to get right or this team ain’t going far.

  19. It’s telling how spoiled we are as a franchise that this happens and there’s so much chirping about how bone headed of a decision this was from Love.

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