Ashley Rodon (wife of Carlos) posts some awful DMs she received after Rodon’s poor start yesterday (NSFW text)

Ashley Rodon (wife of Carlos) posts some awful DMs she received after Rodon’s poor start yesterday (NSFW text)

  1. It would be nice if online death threats had real life consequences, you know, considering that threatening to kill someone normally carries a legal punishment.

  2. the joys of anonymity on the internet. people really show their true colours.

    “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” -Mike Tyson

  3. It’s crazy how common this has become in the age of social media. A lot fans are probably desensitized to seeing players get messages like this when it should just never happen. If anybody legitimately thinks to themself “this baseball player performed terribly. I need to harass him and his family” then they probably have some undiagnosed mental illness

  4. No excuse for DMing this type of shit, but can’t you just turn off DMs on your account? I don’t understand why any celebrity or semi celebrity would have open DMs on their public socials. 

  5. It takes a real loser mentality to not just have the desire to message a player after a loss but to actually seek out their family’s socials and send death threats.

  6. It’s so sad.

    It really it home how absurd this whole situation has gotten when I saw Lindors wife with all the Met players wife’s and girlfriends celebrating on IG stories after the wins of the past week and one of my first thoughts was ‘they’re not going to have to open any appalling messages now’

  7. “These comments brought to you by DraftKings© Sports Books. DraftKings, where some asshole will wish abhorrent violence on your children and family when they lose. Got a hunch? Play it today, at DraftKings.”

  8. It wasn’t even a bad start. He allowed some runs despite pitching his heart out. Sometimes that happens. A shame she has to go through this. Completely unacceptable.

  9. They would never dare say any of this shit in person. I promise you if these people saw Rodon tomorrow walking down the street, they’d be begging for an autograph

  10. These are the types of human filth that are the scum of the earth. It’s literally a baseball game. Grow tf up. I hope these losers gamble their lives away.

  11. I understand it’s probably not the same people doing this, but it’s disappointing that “fans” are doing this because Ashley seems like a doll and she is always tweeting along with Carlos’ games and interacting/being a fan with other fans (complaining about the umps screwing Carlos, etc.) and this will only serve to scare her away.

  12. The world is just getting more divided and hate filled. People feel safe saying the most awful, depraved shit since there are no consequences

  13. Can I just say the undeniable but unpopular fact that the world would be better if people like that were killed and their resources were distributed.

  14. Why can these people be normal and talk about wanting to off themselves like the rest of us when our team blows it

  15. I’m not sure “deplorable” is a strong enough word for people who send death threats (ETA: and threatening to rape their kids? Wtf?). It’s not like Rodon advocated for mass murder or something. He just had a bad inning. Move on, dipshits.

  16. It’s really pathetic that some people have so little in their lives that they actually the outcome of a single baseball game drive them to do things like this.

  17. Good God, that’s awful. I’d love to rip the Yankees but I bet every fan base has these horrid people.

  18. This person would get ripped apart like a gorilla if they said that to Rodon’s wife in front of him.

  19. Put them on the stand in court and watch them snivel, plead, and beg forgiveness. Then toss them in a cell. People like this have no space in our society. Law enforcement needs to start taking these things seriously.

  20. I get real dark thoughts when I think about how people act towards people they don’t know online.

    Between this and the Buehler story about a gang of people surrounding him and stealing his watch… My immediate thought is, “Do we need to return to public hangings?” I know it’s not necessarily moral or correct. So I would say that push come to shove, I’m not really onboard. But it’s so infuriating that the repurcussions right now for generally being horrible, and a drain on society are so generally inconsiquential.

  21. I disagree with how many people are immediately blaming gambling. There are people who act like this even without gambling.

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