Rojas did the most selfish thing by any Dodger this year.

All you do is toss to Gavin. ALL. YOU. DO. HERE is toss to gavin… underhand, overhand, it doesn't matter. Rojas WANTED a highlight play. Nothing about charging the bag here is smarter, safer, or high IQ. It's selfish and cost us the game. We would've won 5-1 when you get out. This cost us the series. He took away one or the greatest answer backs in playoff history. Being up 2-1 would've been the greatest, most "justice served" moment, and with one play Rojas took it all from his team and the fans.

I'm not letting the offense off the hook. But with the pitching putting up another amazing performance that makes them look like a world series staff, with all the grit in the world, you can only look back to the actual mistakes. Cost us the series, because the injured player had too much pride and wanted to make people watch him make a play, then make goof fundamentals that leads the team to victory.

The Dodgers, once again, BEAT THEMSELVES….

  1. Rojas talks a big game but when the postseason comes he had been making awful decisions and clearly playing injured to the detriment of his team

  2. Just to push back a bit- fans love when guys grit out injuries when they’re successful, but then want to throw them out when they fail. Yes he should have made the easy play, but I’m not going to throw the entire season at him (there’s still 2 games left in the series btw) because he wanted to make a play. If I’m going to lose because my guy wanted it, I’d rather that than a guy shy away. 

    He also came up with a hit the next inning before tweaking himself again which helped rally an eventual grand slam. 

    Imo, we should be starting Pages rn anyway with how injured Rojas is, but I dont want to overly shit on a guy who is giving everything he has to the team as a late career vet with very little time left to give. 

  3. It’s funny because he was also the guy that grounded into a triple play two weeks ago after initially showing bunt. I feel like both him and the Dodgers desperately want him to be some sort of hero for this ball club because he’s the “locker room leader” but asking mid players to randomly become heroes is just hilarious

  4. I saw this play live and turned off my tv right away because I couldn’t believe it was real…

  5. If I did this on my high school team, I would’ve been benched for the rest of the game and probably the next game too. The fact that Rojas did this in the mlb and was able to stay in the game even while clearly being injured is absolutely insane.

  6. The selfish thing he did was suiting up. He knew he wasn’t right. He either lied to the physios or they willingly ignored him. Either way the was he was moving he should’ve never been in the lineup.

  7. I’m a big Rojas fan but if dude is injured and can’t make these kind of plays he shouldn’t be playing.

  8. This over dramatization is getting old. He biffed it. He owns it. He’s still a great player. Move on-we are all adults.

  9. This shot is ridiculous and gives an obvious wtf was he thinking. Curious if there was something that happened where he made a quick incorrect judgement. Only saw it live, haven’t seen a replay of it, did he fumble the ball in the transition and thought to run to the bag instead and then Gav backed off? Did he re-tweak his injury here which mentally took him out of the play? Generally people make bad decisions when something about it becomes non-routine, and this is out of character. Would love to be a fly on the wall as he and Dave were talk about it.

  10. I won’t lie on the live feed it looked like Gavin had a step or two to get to the base, and even then it seemed like an automatic move to throw to him and get the out(s)

    Seeing that screen capture of where everyone was positioned in that moment and how much Rojas would need to cover on his injured leg to not just get the out at 2nd and try for 1st makes it even more apparent the throw to 2nd should’ve been made and he got caught up in the moment trying for a highlight play rather than the right play

  11. I don’t understand why a guy with a adductor strain would try to make a move like this.

  12. He had one bad play. Yes, it was a painful one for everyone involved, but it was ONE play. Aside from that, last night went pretty well. We always knew this wasn’t going to be an easy series; no sense in treating it like the end of the world when we were always likely to take this to five games. We got this tonight. I believe <3

  13. Rojas is by all metrics an excellent fielder. He did what his instincts told him to do.

    Whether his injury got in the way or whether he just had a moment of being human, he messed up.

    Selfish? Trying to be a hero? Come on. If you think that’s who Rojas is, you haven’t been watching this season.

  14. Dave still gave him a shot so idk what that means. He did get us on base for the grand slam but still if a dude is injured man it’s the GODDAM PLAYOFFS it’s not the time to wishy washy shit. If he’s hurt go with someone else.

  15. No point getting pissed over one subpar play. Just unload him this off season.

    Come this winter, Friedman and the rest (Gomes) will buy him out for 1M and charitable contributions, then proceed to pick up Adames for 7 yrs / 185 M. He’ll be backed up by Edman.

  16. Rojas been super solid all season… he made a mistake, stupid play, it happens… thats baseball… turn the fucking page…
    Dodgers are getting thoroughly outplayed top to bottom, have a scrapped-together skeleton crew for a starting rotation, and nobody would be surprised if they came back and won this series.
    Thats how good they are.

  17. He’ll get a highlight reel alright…. not a positive one but a highlight reel nonetheless.

  18. Just here to get all the inside tips from the redditors who are so full of baseball knowledge and experience they come to reddit to let everyone know about it…….

  19. #Rojas single-handedly lost us this game that inning. Just stupid, selfish, and brutal.

    **Faking an injury is the only way he avoided more embarrassment.**

  20. This was such an unbelievable bonkers move by a veteran player. No double play is guaranteed, but this right here shows an easy out was waiting. The game changed for the worst after this. Buehler did his best to hold it together even though he was the pitcher when all those runs scored (i refused to say he gave up anything after this shit show).

  21. Chain reaction. IF* they win tonight, I hope they get off the hook on the next game. Rojas better not repeat

  22. The ball faster than you at an even head start. Toss that shit, I was so mad when he did that.

  23. Unbiased fan – there is definitely value in things happening for a reason.

    There’s no saying the grand slam would’ve happened if Rojas tossed it instead of carried it. Maybe something else changes that swaps the outcome.

    To assume “if that play happened everything else would’ve been identical and we would’ve won” is kind of naive. We really don’t know.

  24. That second inning was brutal. Mistake after mistake after mistake. It felt like they forgot about the fundamentals throughout that inning. It was soooo hard to continue watching this inning. I kept saying, “just stick to the fundamentals. Just stick to the fundamentals”.

    Either way, Going in, I didnt think Dodgers would advanced based on the pitching but now the Padres have the bats and the pitching.

  25. Damn I didn’t realize what a bad mistake this was watching it live. Super disappointing for such a great SS

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