I’ve never really thought of the Angels as sucking until…

I’ve never really thought of the Angels as sucking until…

I saw this website: https://champsorchumps.us/team/mlb/los-angeles-angels

I’m 36, so when the Angels were making the playoffs from 2002-2014 I was predominantly in middle school and high school. So I’ve always thought of the Angels as being good! But we really really really do suck. 10 playoff appearances in 64 years seems pretty bad to me lol.

Since 2014 I’ve had so many life changes including getting married, having kids, and moving away. I am so different than I was 10 years ago, but the Angels aren’t: they still suck.

What do I do?!?!? 🙁

  1. This post brings nothing to the table in terms of discussion. You either keep rooting for them or you don’t. Either way is fine. Those are your options.

  2. If you want good baseball watch another team until they get some good coaching. 

    If you are a casual fan, then just put on a game with no expectation lol. Theres a couple of teams out there with dry spells, every how and then a dynasty is built. 

  3. The Angels have had two good stints in their history. 1979-1986 they won the AL West three times back when that was difficult. And the 2000’s where they won a WS and also went to the playoffs 5 more times and basically contended the whole decade. Outside of that they’ve been terrible.

  4. Similar age and feel the same way lol

    We haven’t had a ton of team success but watching Trout has been pretty special.

  5. Apparently I love pain because my primary team is the Reds but Angels are my second team. I’ve watched/been to many Angels games since moving here.

  6. I became a fan in the mid-2000’s. I was a bit too young to remember the WS win but Vlad Guerrero was who got me into baseball and made me an Angels fan. I also loved Chone Figgins lol

    But we were awesome when I was a kid. Hell even the early to mid-2010’s we were decent. They had a few seasons they just missed the playoffs (and IIRC would have made them under today’s rules).

    The entire Ohtani era was pain. It’s a damn shame Ohtani wasn’t a career Angel. But that’s on Arte.

    This market has so much potential. We just need an owner who isn’t a dud.

  7. Who are you because this is literally me. Same age, moved away same year, and same feels! If
    You live in Washington then this is really weird

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