Umm Bruce brown ?

Don’t know how legit so grain of salt of course but this seem to come out of nowhere .. more defense is always welcomed on a hawks squad but what would a trade even look like ? (He’s on a 1y 23m) personally most I would like to do is a capela or Dre package.

  1. If anything did materialize hopefully he could bounce back to his Denver days .. he never seemed to mesh in Indy & Toronto was obviously just a bridge stop , interesting to see

  2. Dre for Bruce? Toronto probably would want one of our picks next year but idk if we should be willing to give assets for an expiring contract who we don’t know if we’ll re-sign him.

  3. Idk man. Maybe this is a trade we make at the deadline if we’re better than expected, but Brown minutes would push Vit to the bench which is the worse thing we could do given that I believe Vit is about to have a breakout year.

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