RIP Individual Goal Songs :(

Sabres are already sucking the fun out of the game before we even played a home game. Sheeesh

  1. You know what, I was totally expecting this. I think a big focus will be on going away from individuality and to more of a team mentality. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was something Lindy was against.

  2. individual goal songs were fun but IMO goal song should serve the purpose of further fueling the crowd and i think that can be accomplished best if there’s one song that everyone knows is coming

  3. Team sport with team goals, so a team song is the best choice. Plus it gets the crowd more hyped up and interactive, which is huge. Big W on this one for me.

  4. Honestly, I’m for it. The team needs to be unified because they are definitely not

    Edit: spelling

  5. Am I the only one who thinks Song 2 by Blur is really the only true goal song this team has ever had? Why not use it?

  6. I’ll miss hearing Humble after a bomb from the point almost as much as Party In The USA, but this is a massive W for team culture.

  7. I’m a fan of this, better team unity. Of course we need to actually score for this to matter at all so… 👀🤞🏻

  8. This is akin to the “remove the ping pong table from the locker room” – “add the ping pong table to the locker room” cycle.

  9. Never really cared for the individual songs tbh. Having one is more cohesive both for the fans and the team.

    But really don’t care much if they do team or individual, just score.

  10. I just wanna see the team make the playoffs. I don’t care about a goal song, or individual goal songs. Thing that matters most in our building is that horn blowing

  11. I never cared for the goal songs because not a single player seemed to care about the Buffalo music scene, past or present.

  12. I hate that they won’t just tell us what song they chose. It’ll be weeks before we can finally hear it. I am holding out for the sabre dance.

  13. I’d love to hear some old school Motley Crue :

    Wild Side or Kickstart my Heart.

    Something heavy that makes people feel alive, stink their feet and get into the game.

    Your suggestions :

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