My suffering is endless and my life is nothing but pain.

My suffering is endless and my life is nothing but pain.

  1. I mean there are cities out there where none of their teams ever make the playoffs. It could be so much worse. I get the pain and suffering of Philly sports but we are have been contenders in most sports for 20 years. People need to chill.

  2. Glass half full view. Sure none of the teams won it all but getting to the finals is pretty damn good. Shows you obviously have something right with the set-up of the teams. If you can make the finals you can win it all.

  3. Can’t forget the Union losing the MLS Cup Final on a last second goal the same day the Phillies lost the World Series

  4. Honestly fine with always being in it. It could be much, much worse. 2012-2015: Phillies are coming off their run and have no talent, bloated contracts, no future. The “Process” Sixers – literally the worst basketball team I have ever watched in my life, and I was told it was part of a master plan and it would all be fine eventually (it wasn’t), Chip Kelly trading away exciting Eagles players we all like for bums

  5. At least we have playoff teams. I was a kid in the 80s/90s. A few good teams, but mostly ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ

  6. Curse of Wentz is real, ย folks!!

    But we can always cheer up that our lives dont suck as bad as the philly teams!!ย 

  7. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

  8. The Phillies played in the playoffs like they played during the last half of the season. A big part of playoff success is momentum, and they didn’t really have any. They’ve been treading water for a while.

  9. I was born in โ€˜82 and after the Sixers won when I was a baby, my next 25 years and 100 seasons of Philly sports was nothing but disappointment.
    Thank god for โ€˜08 and โ€˜17 or my almost 42 yo ass wouldโ€™ve had only disappointment.
    You learn to accept it. Ha

  10. Or you could look at it that Philly sports has very competitive teams that are always in the hunt for a championship

  11. Being a Philly fan for the last 50 years, I donโ€™t feel bad for any of the young fans. This city has had consistently good teams, albeit only 2 championships in this century. In the 30 years of my life before this century, we had 4 championships, and 2 of them I was too young to remember, but we had shit teams for long stretches of time. The Flyers were the only consistently good team up until they gave Hextall power. Fans today have a better overall quality of team than ever.

  12. At least Philly has competitive teams. I know people want championships but imagine being a fan of a team like Cleveland or the Jets rn

  13. 2024
    – Eagles start 2-2 and are dead last in division in scoring ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜”

  14. Itโ€™s called being a fan of a team. At least weโ€™re not the Metsโ€ฆ oh wait. Hmm, at least weโ€™re not penguins. Lol I love theyโ€™re not serious contenders now

  15. Donโ€™t forget the Flyers. A completely washed Sean Couturier is named captain. 5th overall pick and much needed potential franchise center demands trade after a green front office completely fumbles negotiations. Carter Hart is a rapist. The stranger than fiction vibes are out of control right now in the city of Philadelphia.

  16. At least the Sixers got *robbed* in that Celtics series last year. Can’t tell me officiating didn’t dictate the flow of G6 and get Tatum started in a game that (in a neutral location and with impartial refs) the Sixers otherwise win.

    Of course that whole series led to Harden leaving and all those fun times…

  17. I’ve become numb to it all. I still watch the games but I’m never distraught after a disappointing loss. One of my friends has become a bandwagon fan recently and yells at the TV every other play and I think to myself, “You must be new here.”

  18. Okay guys look I get it, it sucks to lose. But am I the only one that thinks weโ€™re in a great era of Philly sports? No we havenโ€™t gotten the chip yet, but you can argue that every Philly team besides the flyers has been a legit contender for the last 3 years.

  19. Honestly Iโ€™d rather have all this than have all four teams be irrelevant, which has happened a few times in the past.

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