#NBAVideos: Having fun with it! πŸ˜‚ #LakersAllAccess

Having fun with it! πŸ˜‚ #LakersAllAccess

  1. Typical. Does all this bullshit in practice but this dude never works on his back to the basket, his free throws, his dribble moves an isolation without a screen, or his mid range jumpshot. Just goof off all the time and doesn’t even practice or play one on one. Total joke that anybody thinks this dude is even a top five player. He’s top six not top five and he’s definitely not top three and don’t ever put them in the same sentence with Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant or even Larry Byrd or Magic Johnson or Wilt Chamberlain ever again. Because those guys actually changed the game with their skill. LeBron just affects the game with his politics and his mouth and his crybaby attitude and foolishness like this. Waste of gym time and his son belongs nowhere near a basketball court. I deserve to be in the NBA.

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