Damn, man

Bro getting it bad from "fans" on IG

  1. If you are a professional athlete and still read your social media comments at this point it’s a you problem.

  2. It’s an echo chamber of overused, recycled jokes. I can’t imagine actively talking shit about somebody who hasn’t been charged and is playing for your team lol hate some people

  3. Giddey come on over to Reddit we will give you tons of ❤️ over here …Let’s go Bulls

  4. If anyone wants to read about the situation and what has happened in regards to the investigation that happened 
    I’m not saying that he’s 100% innocent or that absolutely nothing happened and I’m not going to act like I haven’t participated in it as well since before knowing about the situation I just assumed he was guilty, but calling him P Giddy, or The Giddler is pretty lame and not okay

  5. This is probably going to get obliterated and I get that, but I do not think what he did warrants being completely dragged every time his name is mentioned or booed every time he touches the ball.

    Dude slept with someone who lied about her age. He made a mistake by not verifying it more, but like… I was a stupid teenager too. I lied about my age and slept with a college student. I felt like an asshole about it afterward and have not felt like I was groomed or taken advantage of.

    She and her family did not want it to be public and did not press charges. Idk who it serves to keep shitting on him for this situation when the girl in question isn’t calling for him to be punished. It feels more like a meme at this point.

  6. This is so sad. Perfect microcosm of sensationalized bs ruining sports. Even if he fucked up and no one knows if he did except him and the alleged victim, having to read about this shit every time I look at anything Bulls related is beyond annoying and gross. Hopefully this should pass. Rose was in some deep shit a while back you never hear about it now and I for one couldn’t be happier. I’m obviously for holding people accountable using proper channels but this isn’t that. It’s bad and very annoying trolling. Unfortunately Giddey responding will probably fuel this a bit.

  7. Imagine if the Bulls just traded Caruso for anything other than Josh Giddey and none of us had to think about this at all.

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