Kyle Anderson leaves and suddenly no longer has the worst jump shot in the world?? Da fuq?

Kyle Anderson leaves and suddenly no longer has the worst jump shot in the world?? Da fuq?

  1. That’s the best looking shot/release I’ve ever seen Kyle Anderson have in his life lmao. Dude goes to Warriors and is like “oh yeah I’m a professional basketball player and I don’t have to shoot like an absolute idiot”

  2. Gonna need a sample size with that release. I know you remember Culver’s hitch being “fixed” his 2nd year pre season. Only for it to be ever prominent when the season starter.

  3. I don’t understand…

    Slomo is and always will be one of my favorite Wolves roll players of all time, but how did this happen? If he always had the ability to have a normal jump shot, how did our staff not help him figure that out in the 2+ years he was here? How did he completely revamp his shot from in the ~3 months since he left?

    That being said, I wish slomo the best and I’ll always cherish my Li Kaier jersey

  4. Give it time. He has had good shooting games in the past. Give it 10+ games before making any assumptions of real improvement.
    Granted 50% over 6 attempts is relatively impressive for him.

  5. Motherfucker could barely hit a barn at times before. I mean the NBA is rigged, but are players in on it lmao?

    Maybe he practiced a lot.

  6. He shot well 2023. Than got the eye injury and never seemed to recover his shooting from there. This new form is a reaction to that. Makes sense

  7. Well put it this way, if he had a good shot last year we would’ve been able to afford him even less this year lol

  8. This is a story as old as time. ‘NBA player improves form!’

    *3rd game of season starts*

    oh wait

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